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Anabelle walked into  the libary with a frown on her face .she had been trying to find some information for her project on African tradition. She went to the shelves and started scanning through looking for any material that would be of use to her .
Still scanning she came across a book titled "Africa in total".
Hmmmb she thought might just be the one I've been looking for

She picked the book and she was just about going to the libarians desk when she heard a deep voice behind her ,  startled she turned back and behold there was this tall dude with a wide chest and a very athletic body . Before she could greet him or anything . He stretched out his hand and said"sorry I didnt to startle you . I'm Evan , I've been standing there like for close to 5 minutes but you were lost in thoughts so I just decided to wait you were done . He paused and looked at her then he said"what's your name by the way?"
Anabelle looked up at him "pardon I didn't quite hear you" oh lord must I always embarrass my self infront of every guy. She had been admiring his defined chin and what looked like abs under his thight fiting shirt.
"I'm anabelle and your are? "She asked obviously oblivious of the fact that he had told her earlier on . "I'm Evan john"he said ,he looked at her eyes and smiled in such a way that seemed innocent but had a little bit of flirtatious in it. Annabelle felt a little heat around her cheeks and she knew she must be bright red .
I'd better get away from this dude before I blow this up
She looked  at his face about to give a reason to run and leave when she looked at his eyes and saw that they were blue ,light blue but seemed to glow green before she could say anything he said
"I'm going for lunch now would you like to join me " before she could respond he added "Dont worry I'm paying"
Too stunned to reply she just nooded.
5mins later
At LA place a restaurant run by a French couple .  annabelle was lost in thought , everything had been going too fast for her to track so while they ate she tried to think of everything . A sudden nudge brought her back "you always seem to be thinking of something  wanna share"asked Evan
"Not really"
"You sure"
"Yeah I'm sure"
Annabelle checked her wristwatch  a limited edition mickey mouse watch ,her birthday present for her fifth birthday .The time was 4.04pm.
Oh shit I should have been home 3ominutes ago
"Uhmm Evan it's nice meeting you thanks for lunch but I gotta go now"

Annabelle started for the door and was already walking out when she heard footsteps behind her
It was Evan
"Anabelle wait up"
Anabelle stopped
"I was just thinking I should give you a ride home since I made you late and all "
Annabelle secretly jumped and smiled in her mind but said
"Nah Dont worry I'll walk home it ain't that far"
"Noo I insist"
"Well okay "

Evan drive her down to thr driveway and parked as she opened her down to get down , he held her hand .
This sent a tingling sensation through her body downtown her toes .
She then with much effort looked at him and he held her chin and kissed her slowly at first then with more hunger and passion .
Annabelle felt like she was in heaven that is until he broke the kiss .
He held her face Again
"I love you"
"I love you too"
She opened the door and entered the house .
"Who was that and I saw what happened so Dont bother lying to me "
Anabelle ignored her little sisters question and went upstairs with her red cheeks.
"I'm going to tell mama "said Debby from the sitting room
"Go ahead " annabelle replied from the door way of her room before closing the door.

Do you like this book.  Should I continue or what do u think . its my first romance book so Dont judge me . constructive criticism is allowed

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