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Welcome humans, this is the new prologue of my 'new' book. So far I am really happy about this. Once you start reading it you will probably notice it's slightly different than the 'original' one. This is how I planned my first story to be. It's more mature and slow paced. It will have character development and has real problems in it, which some of you unfortunately might relate to. 

I also want to point out that I also struggle with life sometimes. I want you to know that if you ever need my help or opinion or you just want to pour your heart out to somebody who isn't in your personal environment, you can contact me and I will be more than happy to help you with whatever it is you have to deal with in life.

My best friend also doesn't really have an easy childhood and I have a few friends all with different problems. They have to deal with illness, divorced parents, Step-parents, (step) siblings and I have dealt with bullies and depression at a very young age. 

So please don't hesitate to 'dump' your problems with me, I will be more than happy to help you as much as I can.

Now back to business:


©BlueEyedGoldilocks (Lieke) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

Enjoy ;)


"Come on A, we need to leave." My twin brother Zane says. I slowly nod and let him pull me away from our parents grave.

"Bye mommy and daddy.." I say while tears keep running down my cheeks. I pull my jacket closer around my body and walk to the car which will take us to the airport.

It's almost been a month now since my parents died because of some idiot shooting around in a restaurant.

My parents were going on a date to celebrate their anniversary. It was supposed to be one of the most romantic nights of their lives. Instead it became the not so romantic last night of their lives. 

After living with our grandma for the past month we are flying to Los Angeles to live with our aunt and uncle.


Now don't get me wrong, aunt Diana and uncle Steve are one of the nicest persons I've ever met but I just don't want to move all across the country and leave my parents and grandma behind.

I know it's been a month but I'm still not even close to getting over it, and I don't think I ever will.

I'm on my way to accepting the fact that they are gone and that I will never ever get them back.

But I will never get over it, I refuse to. I want to remember all the good times and memories we had. I want to keep on loving them en telling them everything in my life, almost like they are still alive.

I open the door and get in the car while looking back to my parents graves until we are too far away to see them and let my head rest against the window.

We arrive safely at the airport and before I know it the plane is already taking off. I feel Zane squeeze my hand and look up at him to see him looking at me with a sad smile.

Zane has always dealt with things a little different than me. Even though we are twins we are sometimes quite the opposite of each other.

When we heard of the shooting I broke down completely, Zane didn't, he held himself together and took care of me.

He's strong, I'm weak.

He almost never cries, in fact I only saw him cry once in my life and that was when my parents died and he did it quietly in his room.

He wasn't even really crying for himself, he was crying for me. He was afraid that I couldn't take it and would never become the same happy girl I was before their dead again.

I can't say he was wrong for thinking that though.

I always cry, I am a huge cry baby. My mom and dad always used to tell me it was because I have a big heart and because I care so much. I tried to stop caring too much but it's useless.

It's just who I am and we can't change who we are. So I just learned to live with it.

They treated me like I was a porcelain doll, like I would break if they did something wrong.

At least it's better than getting bullied right?

I put my earphones in and listen to some music.

You seem to replace your brain with your heart

You take things so hard and then you fall apart

You try to explain, but before you can start

Those cry baby tears come out of the dark

I look to my side to see Zane sleeping peacefully. I smile and let my head rest on his shoulder.

Someone's turning the handle to that faucet in your eyes,

You poor it out where everyone can see

Your heart's too big for your body, it's why it won't fit inside,

You poor it out where everyone can see

This song is like my life story.

They call you cry baby, cry baby

But you don't fucking care

Cry baby, cry baby

So you laugh through your tears

Cry baby, cry baby

Cause you don't fucking care

Tears fall to the ground but you'll just let them drown

That's the last thing I hear before I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.


Soooo.. What did you think of it so far?

Quite different huh?

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xoxo L

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