35 4 7

I sighed as I woke up from my slumber. It was probably going to be rough day again. I don't know how the other Kouder's deal with with this. Do they stay up in the middle of the night scared a Mouder is going to attack them in there sleep like me? Or do they barely worry and sleep with there weapon next to them just in case. I don't really know about them but, I sleep with my weapon and wake up every hour or so. I want to make sure my brother is safe and isn't harmed. I already am guilty enough that I dragged him into this...and our parents.

I flipped over on the bed grabbing at my stomach and groaned. Guilt had a terrible effect on Kouder because apparently we are the most compassionate people. I sure the hell didn't feel compassionate. I cringed horribly and clawed at my sheets. I couldn't breathe all that horrible guilt gnawing on my insides. I know I caused my parents death but I can't help that the Master's of Origin's were constantly putting me and my family ( or what's left of it) in constant danger. I flexed my stomach hoping that tightening the stomach muscles would help ease the pain. I forced myself to look at the clock. Four-thirty two in the morning dammit...I still have two to three hours left until training. I sat up and took a deep breathe. I could still feel the pain but I tried to ignore it because if I had let it get to me it could kill me.

A Kouder and a Mouder are two stars battling one another for the righteous peace of the universe. If one team dies the other can be second supreme ruler and the games win, but if both dies the universe falls apart and the whole world leads to catastrophe. I didn't want to be apart of this cruel ass game that caused so much unbearable pain to me and others around me. Not only physical pain but emotional as well. Kouder's deal with emotion more severely. We are more...fragile emotionally. This does not mean we are weaklings. We are very good in battle; some powers we can accumulate is mind control, telekinesis, Phsykopsis, and Zonker. The last two are rare abilities that are only given if you you are the last one that survives. Mouder are people who are more into themselves and don't really give a fuck about anyone. Though they are careful not to show real emotion because they are afraid someone will use there emotion against them. It would probably suck ass having to watch your back all the damn time, I thought. I don't think I could do that I am to carefree to look over my back all the damn time.

My stomach finally settled and I sighed happily and threw off my covers and swung my legs over the bed and stared at the floor. I wonder how Rin would feel if I told her what is really happening instead of all these lies. Would she believe me? Or would she think I"m lying and making some shit up?I smirked to myself and shook my head. Bitch probably thought I'm crazy enough no need to make me look phsyco. My brother popped his head in scowling at me.

" You up?" he asked.

"Yeah. Did I wake you?" I asked tilting my head trying to read his expression.

"No I did." Sapphire popped her head from out behind him smiling her usual giant grin.

I laid down and grabbed my pillow and put it over my face, " Go. Away."

"Be nice and don't be loud," my brother grumbled shuffling away from the door.

"Nice to see you too," Saph scoffed and sat next to me, " But , I hate to burst your bubble but we need to talk strategy, Okay? Mouder showed up at my house last night and blew up the damn library. The library! The only place I can read my lovely novels!"

I chuckled at her and shook my head. And I thought I read a lot, I thought too myself. Sapphire surpassed everyone who reads. This girl would have a new book every fucking day. She once finished a large ass book within one day and raved about it the next. I could finish a book in three too four days. No more and No less. But, this girl she should get a medal.

"Are you even listening to me!?" She questioned.

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm listening." I lied as I rolled off the bed.

Sapphire gently kicked in my ribs and snarled, " I know your lying don't lie to me Avely Mareice Jennson!"

Now that she said my full name I couldn't lie around her. When she is near I spill the truth which sucks sometimes, because then I get in trouble for pranks and lead people into suspicion.

"Take your fucking truth waver off me." I growled.

"Give me a good reason!" Saph shouted and crossed her arms pouting.

I sighed, "Because if Rin finds out...I lose my best friend..."

"Oh okay, I will but later." She answered and slouched ruining her posture.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP I AM TRYING TO GET SOME FUCKING SLEEP DAMMIT!" My brother yelled making us jump and nod as if he were right there.

"Jackass." I muttered and she nodded agreeing with me.

"Hey, did you get the new info?" She asked suddenly after a long period of silence.

"What news?" I asked propping myself up on an elbow looking at her skeptically.

"The Master's of Orgin came to me. They said great controversy will occur between the Kouds and Mouds. Bad things will happen. They said one person is going to die...Do you think that will be us?" She turned and looked at me with a horrid expression one I have never seen before. But that expression was scaring me.

I took a second to think of what she meant...What did she mean...?

"You're giving me that crazy look Avely..." Sapphire said softly.

"Sorry...you got me thinking." I said sitting up and raising my arms above my head sighing.

"Oh my bad Avely..It's just someone can die...Even us. How do we compete with that!" she yelled frustrated.

I glare at her as I start to snarl, "We don't..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2016 ⏰

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