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It was a cold winter's day. The snow was falling down the sky, along with some leaves of the trees. People were running around the streets to get to work quickly. Cars stood still because of a accident which had happened a few streets further.

Alistair Grey was one of the few people who walked calmly. He was on his way to get his dads morning coffee. Because of the cold he was wearing a long black coat and a red scarve was hanging losely around his neck. One of the good things about being a warlock is that your body adapts to the temprature.

He walked into the coffee shop and pulled a hand through his hair. There weren't many people so he was first in line.

A handsome boy with black hair and bright blue eyes stood behind the counter of the shop. He immediatly catched the beautiful blond boy in front of him. It made him smile a bit as he had a rough day and this lightened it a bit. "Hello Sir, what can I get you?" He asked calmly, well he tried to stay calm.
"One Cappucino please." He said as he grabbed his wallet and looked at it, not yet seeing the boy in front of him.
"Alright." He said and walked to the coffee machine to make the coffee.
In the meantime Alistair had grabbed a 5 dollar bill out of his wallet. He looked up and only saw the back of the boy's head, not yet impressed by the beauty of the boy's face. When he turned around, Alistairs eyes widened a tiny bit. He smiled at the boy kindly. "Here is your coffee Sir." The boy said and blushed a tiny bit of the kind smile he saw around Alistairs lips.
"Thank you very much...." He said and smiled even more as he saw that the blush grew. "Can I ask you something?"
"Ofcourse Sir." He answered a bit suprised that a man like that would wanna ask him something.
"Can I have your number?" He asked eagerly and grabbed the coffee in one hand.
"Oh uhm. Yes." He stumbled over his words as he quickly grabbed a pen and a napkin. He wrote his number on it and handed it to Alistair. "My name is Icarus Bloom."
"Nice to meet you Bloom." He said and took the napkin, placing in his coat's pocket. "I am Alistair Grey." He said and turned around before walking away. He looked one more time over his shoulder to look at the handsome boy through the window as he already was outside. Icarus looked back at him with his big blue eyes and thought. 'Did that just really happen?'

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