1---The idea?

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"Please, Ava!" My friend Caleb begs as we walk down the corridor of the North Wales College. "It will be easy."
His light brown hair bouncing a little as we walk a little faster to the canteen.

"No." I respond firmly. Shaking my head vividly.
The thing is, he wants me to take him to my family's annual get-together in a cabin in the mountains. Normally only family and our family's partners are allowed to join.
We walk into the canteen and all heads turn...to Caleb, and to be honest with you, it's not surprising. Caleb is boy pretty, with his dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes and fXcking perfect jawline. Girls and boys look at him like he's the a bloody God. The attention is amazing, even though it's not directed at me. However, I do get quite a lot of envious looks off quite a lot of people.
I nudge him with my elbow as I start walking again. He's very oblivious towards his looks and gets very confused when people stare at him.

"Why are they staring again? Ava, what's going on?" He whisper-shouts into my ear.

Caleb is 6ft whilst I'm only 5.5ft so he has to bend down quite a bit to reach my ear.
I turn round to look at him and chuckle at his panicking expression.

"Aww, Cal." I coo and link my arm in his as we walk towards a table. "You're too innocent." 

He gives me another confused look as I laugh again.
Cal and I have been best friends since Primary School, my mum and his mum are great friends too. The way I met him was he tripped over my leg in assembly and head butted me in the nose. We both went to Injury Wing together and sat there for nearly two hours talking. Since then we have been near inseparable.

"So...Ava." Caleb starts, his blue eyes looking right into my green ones. "What'd say 'bout it."

"Cal, you know it would be impossible, I cannot lie. And you know that. My parents-both of our parents, will see right through me." I tell him. It's true. I cannot lie. It's not that I won't lie but because I'm the worst lier. I will stutter then I start rocking on my feet and become really shy. Which will be obvious to anyone I know because everyone knows I am the most Out-going, loud piece of shiiz in this school.

"Yes, yes, I know and I thought that through too. We won't have to do much lying, just do what we normally do and maybe throw in a kiss here and there."

"What do you mean we won't have to lie! I think pretending to date someone is one fxcking big lie, Caleb Brown" I point my finger at him. I sigh. "I'll think about it, okay?"

Caleb grins widely then takes out his lunch from his bag.

"You're Amazing, Ava. Thank you"

I roll my eyes at him before taking out my lunch bag.

This is a horrible idea.

Hey! Sorry for all the Typos. This is the first story I have written so I apologise for all the bad gramma and spelling. And sorry for the bad plot. Please leave me advice and criticism in the comments :)

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