Life has difficulties.

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Why does the snow always fall when you're least expecting it? Why does everything have to be so complicated?  Why do I always get told what to do? Jennifer trudged up the long icy path to her doorway, dragging all her shopping bags behind her. She always had to help out around the house, and today, she had to go up to the town center, to stock up on things for her house and for the family shop. Jennifer normally didn't mind, but today was no exception. She felt down for some reason, and kept having horrible thoughts as she was walking around. 

"Do you know how difficult it is to find lightbulbs in the holidays running up to Christmas, Janice?" Jennifer exclaimed angrily to her bestie on the phone. "No, I don't, sorry. I don't have to do things like that for my family. I suppose I'm lucky really?" replied Janice. After a long phone conversation Jennifer and Janice put down their phones, and Jennifer went downstairs to see her mum. 

"Hey Mum. How are you feeling?" Jennifer smiled at her mum and sat down on the sofa in front of her. "Hey sweetie, I'm feeling sort of ill again, but I'll live, thanks". Jennifer's mum had long barbie blonde hair and big blue eyes that looked like the carribean ocean. She was tall and thin, her arms were long and so were her legs. She was pale, and wore light make-up, all of Jennifer's friends that had met her mother said she was so pretty like a super model. Jennifer knew this was true, but they didn't know the half of what her mum looked like, especially when she was at home ill on a day like today.

Jennifer's dad has left her and her mum when her mother was diagnosed with serious illnesses, he claimed that he could not cope with it any longer, and that it was for their own good. Jennifer loved her dad, and was sad to see him go, but after a year or so, she was glad he left them because she realised that he was not a man if he ran away from a sick woman, who he married, and said "I Do" to. 

Jennifer was a shy girl, she too had long barbie blonde hair and big blue eyes like her mother. Except her hair had blue and pink streaks in it. Jennifer's dress sense was different to most people's that she knew, in fact, she would be called weird at school because of the way she dressed and what music she listened to. None of the kids at school knew about Jennifers mum, they just thought that she was a busy woman and that's why none of them ever saw her. She had always wanted to tell her friends about her mum, but she could never have the guts to because she thought it might change the way they thought about her, and she didn't want that, like most people wouldn't. 

"Jen, can you please pop up to the shop and give Michael these bulbs?" her mother asked politely and then coughed. Jennifer knew that her mother would be up and healthy if it wasn't for her illnesses, but at the moment, Jen had to do everything she could to help around the house and in general. Jennifer walked up to the shop and handed Michael the light bulbs that her mother had taken out of the bag. Michael asked how Jennifer's mother was, and sent Jen back with a message for her. "Mum, Michael had a message for you from someone named Dan?". Jennifer handed her mother the yellow post-it note and walked into her room. She sat down at her desk, and placed her hands on her head. She pulled out one of the drawers at her desk and took out a small bottle. She then grabbed a bottle of water from her bag and opened the small bottle. Tipping it upside down, nothing came out of the bottle. Jennifer sighed and rested her head on the desk. After a while she sat up, and went to go and see her mother.

Walking down the stairs she heard someone at the door, Jennifer shouted to her mum "I'll get it" and looked through the door hole to see who it was. No one was there, so Jennifer opened the door to see if someone had walked off, but no one was in sight. Jen decided to go back inside the house, and as she shut the door, a note fell through the letterbox and landed half onto her foot. As Jen picked it up she noticed that something was moving inside of the envelope. Opening it carefully, Jennifer took out a note, and a bracelet. The bracelet had love hearts on it, and a message engraved on the back, "We will forever remember Jennifer Joel". Jennifer looked puzzled, who could this be from? Jen decided to take out the note, she read it over and over again, trying to figure out what it meant. "Who was that at the door?" called her mum. "Oh it was no one Mum, don't worry, I'm just going to pop up the park for a bit if you don't mind". replied Jennifer, she took the note and the bracelet and stuffed it into her jacket pocket, and decided to ignore it. 

Once again Jennifer walked up the icy road towards the park and the boating lake. Once there, she sat down on ledge that was at one end of the lake. She pulled out her phone, and dialed a number, half way through, she stopped, her hands were shaking, "No, I can't do this to him". Jennifer remembered what the bracelet had engraved on the back, "We will forever remember Jennifer Joel".."but that's my name, and why will this person remember me?" said Jennifer outloud. Suddenly Jennifer felt a cold hand grab her shoulder, Jennifer's phone, flew into the ice cold lake, and the stranger said "I'll show you why"....






Heeey guys! I hope you enjoyed my story so far, there will be more to come as soon as I have time, much love!<3.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2012 ⏰

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