The Incident: Chapter 1

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Before you start reading there are a few important things you should know about the story. This story is a bit of Supernatural and The Mortal Instruments combined but as its mostly my own you don't need to have seen or read the other series. I got the main story idea from a story called Dirty Little Secret, written by Do_the_Cool_Whip, but if you have read their story you will realize mine is very different. This story is based in an Alpha/Beta/Omega world, and these characters are completely my own. They are both as human as everybody else in their world is except its Damien's job to fight demons and protect people. Tyler doesn't have much training and doesn't fight, however he was trained in self defense and how to take care of wounds in an emergency. Tyler was put in an abusive foster home after his parents passed away, however, one night after being seriously injured by his foster father, Tyler ran away and became homeless which was how Damien found him. Damien found him alone, starving, and wounded and decided to take him in temporarily, but the two quickly bonded and Tyler has been living with him for about five years now. Tyler is 15, Damien is 21. Damien has been living on his own since he was 15, living off of the income institutes provide hunters. Institutes are secret buildings that house and train hunters to fight demons. There will also be Mpreg and mentions of rape. I think that's pretty much it! Enjoy the story!

'Hands were on him, holding him down as a mouth worked its way down his chest. Tyler struggled in vain as the figure above him ripped open his jeans. "Damien, please!" Tyler begged, tears forming in his eyes, but his pleas fell on deaf ears as the poisoned body of his best friend ground against him.'

Tyler shot up out of bed panting heavily and curled in a ball at the foot of his bed, desperately trying to gather air into his lungs. In the back of his mind he remembered to try the breathing exercises Damien had taught him for these kinds of situations. Tyler took a shaky breath and slowly let it out, repeating the process until his heart didn't feel as if it was trying to beat itself out of his chest.

He lay there shivering and sat up, checked the alarm by his bed, flopped back against his bed and groaned. It was 3 AM but he was never going to be able to back to bed now. He debated about crawling into Damien's bed and going to sleep with him, but he hadn't since the incident. It had been about a month and a half since the incident. The incident, as Tyler called it, was the day his best friend and mentor had raped him. It wasn't his fault, in fact Tyler didn't blame Damien at all. It was the demons.

They had been out for a walk to get lunch, when suddenly Damien's scanner suddenly started going off, detecting a demon very close by. They had been unprepared and Damien only had a few weapons on him, but it was his duty to slay the demon before someone got hurt and as he didn't feel comfortable letting Tyler walk home alone around obvious signs of demon activity, he let Tyler come with him. Tyler would soon learn to regret the decision. They quickly found the demon, it was a Shibar demon, a demon that could inject a poison into its victim causing extreme bouts of lust, so much so that these victim's tended to force themselves onto the closest person to them.

Damien drew out his seraph blade and charged the demon. Its spiked tail flew towards Damien but he just managed to jump over it and roll. He got back to his feet and Damien and the demon fought a quick and brutal fight, neither one of them accomplishing a fatal blow. That is, until Damien, busy sidestepping the razor sharp tail, was distracted, giving the demon the perfect time to bite onto his shoulder, injecting him with its venom. "Damien!", Tyler shouted in warning, but it was too late. However, Tyler's shouting had distracted the demon, and the Alpha took the opportunity to sink his seraph blade into the demons neck, disintegrating it, before falling to the ground. Tyler ran to his mentor and dropped onto his knees behind him. "Damien, are you alright? What can I do?," Tyler asked, panicked as he noticed the amount of blood soaking his best friends shirt.

"You have to leave," said Damien, desperately trying to remain conscious. "Go back to the house." He instructed as he lost the strength to keep holding his head up.

Tyler observed how bad his friend looked and shook his head in denial, knowing that if he left, Damien would die. "No, i cant, you have to come with me!", Tyler protested, but his mentor was no longer with it enough to respond. Tyler rapidly went through his options. He could call an ambulance, but he wouldn't know what to tell them and they wouldn't know how to treat a Shibar bite. He could call one of Damien's hunter friends, but the closest one was forty minutes away, there was no way they could get here in time. He could run back and get the car, then drive it here and attempt to get him back to the house were he could inject Damien with the cure for the poison, but would he be fast enough? Tyler had already made his choice, he would be fast enough, he had to be. He grabbed the keys out of Damien's pockets. "Ill be right back," Tyler promised, and took off.

Tyler brought the car to the deserted road and managed to pull his friend into the car as planned. He drove the car with his little experience back home and pulled into the driveway, then ran to the big medical cupboard against the wall. He desperately started searching through the cabinet for the right supplies, trying in vain to find the anti-venom, cursing when he vaguely remembered Damien using it on his friend a week or two ago after hunting. Had Damien ever gotten more? Tyler pushed that task aside and instead gathered the supplies to stop the bleeding. Tyler rushed back to the car and tore open his friends shirt with a knife, and inspected the wound on his shoulder. It wasn't fatal, so long as he did this right. Tyler splashed a bit of alcohol on a rag and held it to the wound to try and stop the bleeding, then drew a few healing runes around it. Tyler grabbed the needle and medical thread and with inexperienced fingers, attempted to sew the wound closed, chewing on his lips anxiously as Damien stirred a bit and groaned. After a few moments the wound was sewed closed and Tyler rushed back to the cabinet, desperately looking for the anti-venom. He realized there was no anti-venom and that it was already too late when he felt hands force him against the wall.

Tyler mentally shook himself to the present. He hated to think about that night but he never seemed to be able to stop.
After the Alpha had forced himself onto him, he fell into a three day coma as his body fought off the poison, as was normal. When he woke up, it became obvious he had no memory of what had happened and with a few careful questions, Tyler realized the last thing he remembers was that they were going out to lunch. But when those concerned, caring, deep blue eyes fell on him asking what happened, Tyler couldn't force himself to tell Damien the truth. It would utterly destroy him if he found out and the omega knew he would never forgive himself. Deeply afraid that his alpha would separate himself in an attempt to protect him if he found out, Tyler began to fabricate a lie close to the truth as possible so Damien wouldn't become suspicious.

"We were going out to lunch when your scanner started to go off. You found a Reehav demon but it was stronger than expected. It managed to take you of guard and bit you. I ran home to get the car and came back to get you, then drove you home. I tried to sew up the bite as good as possible and gave you some anti-venom. You've been out for a few days."

Damien believed him immediately, trusting Tyler not to lie to him. It made Tyler feel incredibly guilty but he knew the truth would destroy his friend, and so, even while he desperately wanted someone to talk to about the incident, he kept quiet and tried to act as normal as possible, but it was hard. The trust he had in his mentor had not gone away, had not even wavered, but it seemed he couldn't do the things he used to without being reminded of that night. He used to sleep in Damien's bed every night, when he first took him in Damien had protested about him sleeping in his room, but quickly realized Tyler would just sleep outside his door if he wouldn't let him in. Tyler always had nightmares about his past foster family, of before Damien took him in, but all his worries and fears melted away when he curled up in bed beside the alpha, trusting him to protect him.

But he hadn't been able to sleep with him since that night and Tyler could tell it was making the alpha suspicious, yet Tyler longed to curl up in bed beside him. Would the alpha ask questions? He gnawed on his lip nervously before he finally gave in and slipped through his door and down the hall. He hesitated at Damien's door. What if he had a panic attack if Damien touched him? What if he really was afraid of him and was just in denial? Tyler took a deep breath, silently opened the door, and quietly padded to the bed before hesitantly sliding into bed beside the alpha. Damien stretched a bit and opened his eyes before realizing it was Tyler. "Alright, Darling?"

Tyler nodded his head a bit and smiled back at him as Damien wrapped his strong arms around him. He inhaled the comforting scent of the alpha and finally, for the first time since the incident, fully relaxed and fell into a peaceful night of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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