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Those were the days when Orkut ruled the roost and Facebook was newly introduced

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Those were the days when Orkut ruled the roost and Facebook was newly introduced. Cyber cafes were still in trend, emoticons were hardly sent.

Ishaan's was studying Physics, attempting a model test paper. He kept his mobile phone next to his book on the table. The phone was being used for two purposes. Firstly as a timer, set for 90 minutes, testing Ishaan's speed of solving questions. Secondly for sending messages to Antara during the study breaks.

Antara and Ishaan started exchanging more than just chemistry notes. Since the numbers had been exchanged, chatting over messages was obvious. Ishaan's messages were a combination of fun and flirty. Antara's response mostly had the words 'Awesome' and 'Cool' in them, sometimes just those words.

The atmosphere in the coaching classes was also changing. The focus had shifted from the board exams to the entrance exams. Classes used to go on for hours, and the breaks had been reduced.

Ishaan had parted with his former classroom chair. He now sits in front of Antara. Trisha still sits next to Antara and is not so happy with the new diagonal seat occupant.

Two days had gone by, and the day to submit the chemistry mock test papers had arrived.

Mr. Daniel entered the classroom, "Hope you all put in your best efforts. Time to check how prepared you are for the real ones."

He saved his precious time in examining all the test papers by handing out a copy of the correct answer sheets to everyone.

"Everyone exchange your answer sheets with your immediate neighbour. And tally the answers with the correct ones I have just handed out. You have 10 minutes, hurry up." Instructed Mr. Daniel

Antara exchanged her sheet with Trisha. Ishaan exchanged his sheet with Dhruv, a clumsy fat boy who sat next to him. Ishaan realised that he would have got a better examiner had he been in his former seat.

"Time's up. Just write down the total marks on the top right corner of the first page. And hand over all the sheets to me. I shall arrange them in descending order. And these are just for practice, so your true competition is you." – said Mr. Daniel

Everyone handed over their examined sheets to Mr. Daniel. He quickly arranged the sheets in descending order of total marks.

"The highest marks have been scored by two students." announced Mr. Daniel

"Ishaan, you should aim for above 95 marks in boards." said Mr. Daniel while handing over the mark sheet to Ishaan."

"Antara, great improvement and well done." said Mr. Daniel handing over her mark sheet to Antara.

Mr. Daniel taught for another hour, mostly revision of previous chapters and few secret tips to score well in exams.

"Ishaan, your notes helped a lot in my preparation. Thanks a lot. Let's plan something. I will text you" said Antara.

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