Pfeenix: Creature of the Night - The Beginning, Capture, and Teased

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Pfeenix: Creature of the Night


Summary: The fictional, autobiographical tale of a modern day vampire.

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are solely the product of the author's imagination and/or are used fictitiously, though reference may be made to actual historical events or existing locations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. 


*** The Beginning ***

I'll be honest with you, I have never been in the habit of telling my history. however, seeing as you have all so kindly invited and accepted me into your undead lives, I feel it is only right you know whom you have admitted.

My story begins ages upon ages ago-I cannot tell you exactly when, for my people were not then of the nature to be keeping track of dates. We were what would now, by modern times, be considered gypsies, or witches, or something along those lines, as many of the early tribes were, so magic had been coursing through my blood even before i became a creature of darkness.

It was a warm night in the middle of my nineteenth summer, I was to be united with one of my tribesmen the next day. As was marital custom amongst my people, the men of both families had gone out the day before in search of game for the big feast, which we, the women, would then have prepared that day, but something had gone wrong. The men returned only a few hours before sunset on my final day with nothing more than my brother's limp form, as pale and as cold as death, in my father's arms.

He had been attacked; bitten. By what, they did not know, for he had seen something and run off on his own. They had found him like this, and brought him home so he could be put through the proper burial rites. The wedding was postponed, for obvious reasons, and my family and I took my brother's body home, so we could start preparing it for the afterlife.

If you have ever lost something you cared for beyond anything else in the world, then you know what I was feeling. At some point during the evening, I couldn't take it anymore, so I excused myself and took my leave. I sat on our favorite hill, watching as the sky grew darker and darker, mourning the loss of both brother and friend.

It was full dark when my brother awoke, and the screams began. I ran back as fast as my legs would carry me, and was greeted by a horrid site: my mother and father dead on the ground, one of my sisters beside them, and the other's neck in between my brother's lips, little red rivers running down her front. I was frozen in place; not even a breath would escape my lips. Before I even had a chance to blink, he caste what was left of my sister aside, and his teeth were savagely tearing through the flesh of my neck.

By the time his first blood lust had released him, and he me, i felt as if i were already dead, save for my fluttering heart, which seemed to be working overtime to pump blood that just wasn't there. I couldn't move; I couldn't think; i couldn't speak. what little breath I could draw was shallow and ragged, yet that is what seemed to call my brother's attention to the deeds he had just done.

A sound was heard in the distance, sending my horrified brother into a panicked frenzy. as he sat a few moments, greedily drawing in jagged breaths of air he did not need, and trying to collect his thoughts, he decided there was only one thing he could do. He gently scooped my dying form into his arms with surprising ease and, after a seconds hesitation, ran off at an inhuman speed toward the woods where her drew his last mortal breath.

From this point forward, I kept fading in and out of consciousness, so what came next I do not remember well, if at all accurately. I recall the forest floor, a pain unlike any other I had ever known, and my brother's frantic cries into the darkness to help him save what was left of the family he had known and destroyed. Nothing more.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2010 ⏰

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