Criminal Minds Fan fic- the death of Penelope Garcia's parents

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9.40pm, Walmart job interviews

"That's really great Garcia, you got future, kid. With those computer skills, you have some fine options! I'm talking Ivy league if you want it!" Penelope smiled subtly at the praise she was getting from the manager of the local green grocers. "You don't need a part time job here, you're young! Go get out into the world!" He picked up her resume and waved it towards the door. "Some people are gonna need you, kid. Go and find 'em!"

"Thank you" Penelope smiled shyly, getting up and neatly pushing the chair back, before turning away and walking out of the office.

"One more thing!" The manager called. Penelope turned around, raising her eyebrows. He chortled and picked up his copy of the resume one more time. "This stationary is great!" He laughed "Use this again and I bet you'd get any job you want." He smiled, waving her away.

"Note to self, glitter pens and pink paper will always work." She smiled to herself, walking out of the office. A couple of people were standing outside of the office door, waiting to be interviewed for the job of stacking shelves. Not exactly classy, but it pays the bills.

"Hey you! Wait up!" A man called from behind her. Penelope turned around and moved out of the way, narrowly avoiding being run into by this dark haired young man. He leant against the corridor wall, trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah?" Penelope laughed, looking down at the wheezing guy. "... You alright there?"

"I'm good, I'm good. It's just, I saw what you did in there. You're only, what, twenty and you can do that? Have you even had training yet?" He exclaimed, his voice cracking with excitement.

"Well, I'm eighteen actually. And I've been studying computing tech since ninth grade, but I started doing advanced in senior year." She replied, shrugging her shoulders.

"Nice! So, you can code?"

"Not really, I studied the basics last year but I've never gone further than that. I wouldn't know why I'd ever need it, to be honest. I'm just taking a gap year, yknow, to see what I want to do later on." Penelope tapped her feet around nervously, she hadn't really talked to anyone so much.

"Oh, oh, by the way, I'm Michael. What's your name?" He burst out, laughing suddenly. Penelope jumped a little, slightly taken back.


"Cool." Michael smiled. "Hey, why don't you come back to my place, we can hang out and talk tech! I could even give you a little course on coding!" He said enthusiastically, pulling out his mobile. Penelope looked down and her watch and hesitated a bit.

"I'd really love to, but it's almost ten. And my curfew's half ten. And I still have to cycle home..." She said, pulling out her phone as well. "Don't want to get the parents worried. They may be the care-free type but they get super worried about me."

"Walk with me" Michael invited, strolling towards the exit. Penelope watched him walk for a little, and ran after him.

"I really would go, but it's really too late. Like, it really sucks how the interviews had to be after the store closes. I mean, I wouldn't have minded coming out at 6am, yknow?"

"I get it, but Penelope, I'd really love it if you came." He said softly, grasping her hand in his. Penelope blushed softly. "Hey, is it alright if I call you Penny?"

"Sure" She replied between explosive giggles.

"And you can call me Mike." He said, opening the door widely. "Ladies first." He smiled. Penelope beamed and walked through the door, catching her hip in the frame slightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2013 ⏰

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Criminal Minds Fan fic- the death of Penelope Garcia's parentsWhere stories live. Discover now