Chapter One

328 12 10

July 30 2517

19:00 Hours

Planet - Harvest

Outer Colony

"Good night Hailey. dream of good things tonight," said my mother

"Mummy?" I asked

"Yes my darling?" She stepped back into my room

"Can I be an ODST when I'm older?" I asked

"We can talk about in the moring sweety." She answered me "Okay? Love you,"

"Love you too," I replied


July 31 2517|

01:00 Hours

Planet - Harvest

Outer Colony

I heard loud noises coming from outside my house, so I went to check it out. The trees in the forsest near our house look blown. It looked like some ship had landed in the forset. I was correct.

A few minutes later, curiosty caught the cat. Marines emeerged from the forest, followed by a woman, whom I did not recognise. She looked like someone from a Inner - Colony planet.

"Oh," she noticed me standing there, "Are you Hailey?"

"I'm not supposed to talk to strangers," I slowly backed away

She made a gesture to the maringes, and they all lowered their weapons. "Hailey, it's okay. I'm Doctor Halsey. I'm here to take you somewhere amazing" she tried to reassure me.

"No, I should be sleeping." I said cautiously, still taking steps backwards

She made a flick of her hands, and 5 of the 6 marines ran at me. I turned to run, I was determined to get away, but the marines were too fast, and they got me. The last marine had a flash clone of myself, and he sent my clone inside to sleep.

"Please, leave me." I cried

"Hailey, I'm taking you somewhere amazing." said Dr. Halsey

"I don't even know you. I want to grow up and become an ODST. Please leave me here," I was crying.

Dr. Halsey looked me dead in the eye, "You'll be something better than an ODST."

I cried while they loaded me and some fallen cargo onto the ship. I didn't want to leave my family, but I somehow believed what she said about being better than an ODST. Dr. Halsey promised me things, probably so that I'd shut up. The moment the pelican took off, I was asleep.

I woke up, and we were still in the pelican. Dr. Halsey was talking to someone through a transmission. I didn't mean to, but I eavesdropped.

"She's perfect, her family has a military backround. Her brother and father are both ODST soldiars, and her mother is a medic. Her grandparent met in the military. It's in her blood,"

"Your treating her better than the others," said the man

"Sir, no. I just want to train her personally," said Dr. Halsey

"No, you cannot. We will discuss this when you land. When will that be?" he asked

"We're just entering the atmosphere, sir." she replied with a steady tone.

The transmission ended. She walked over to where I was 'sleeping'

"Hailey, wake up. We're about to land on Reach." she thought she was waking me up

A Spartan's Hope [BEING RE-WRITTEN... AGAIN]Where stories live. Discover now