Chapter 23

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"Those colors are hideous," Honor laughed as she sat on the edge of Emmy's bed.

Emmy shrugged as she looked over her outfit in the mirror, "I didn't choose the school colors."

Emmy was dressed in a burgundy robe, with a sky blue stole draped around her shoulders. She had straightened her brunette hair on top of which sat a burgundy cap, a sky blue tassel hanging from the right side. Emmy admitted that these weren't the best colors to go together, but she shrugged it off; her thoughts were that she'd only graduate high school once.

"Well, in four years it'll be you in this outfit," Emmy pointed out as she slid a string of pearls around her neck.

Honor rolled her eyes as she flopped down onto her back, "Ugh don't remind me, I hope they change the colors by then."

"Highly unlikely this school's had the same colors since it opened in 1955," Emmy said as she smirked at her sister.

"Dang it!" Honor exclaimed as she stood to her feet.

"I like that outfit by the way, where'd you get it?" Emmy asked her sister as she ran her eyes over the red sundress and white wedges.

"Your closet," Honor said with a smirk.

Emmy's eyes narrowed, "I knew that looked familiar."

"Oops," Honor shrugged sheepishly, "besides it's not like you can fit it anymore."

Emmy's jaw dropped open, "Wow way to boost my ego little sis. You're supposed to be extremely nice to me today."

"Says who?" Honor asked crossing her arms and arching an eyebrow.

"Me, of course, it is my graduation day," Emmy said smirking as she slid her feet into her dressy sandals.

"Fine then, congratulations Emmy," Honor said smiling sincerely at her sister.

"Thanks," Emmy replied smiling back as she checked the time on her watch.

"So what time does this start again?" Honor asked as she made her way to Emmy's mirror.

"Four," Emmy replied as she picked up her phone, which was buzzing with a call from Summer.


"Hey Emmy, we're outside, and hurry up we're going to be late," Summer's voice floated down the phone.

"Don't blame this on me, I was ready an hour and a half ago. You're the ones who needed the extra hour," Emmy said as she began to walk out of her room.

"Just get your ass out here," Summer told her.

"Your wish is my command," Emmy said laughing as she hung up her phone.

"Bye Honor see you at the ceremony," Emmy called up to her sister as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

Emmy peeked into the living room where her mom sat on the couch, "Bye mom see you later."

"Bye Emmy, good luck," her mother said as she got up giving her daughter a hug.

"Thanks, mom," Emmy replied before she ran out the house and to Summer's car.

Emmy climbed into the back seat with Kara, Mia had already claimed the front seat. Emmy glanced at her watch again it read 2:55. Summer put her car in reverse and drove off in the direction of the school.

"What time were we supposed to be there again?" Emmy asked as she relaxed against the cushion of the backseat.

"Between 2:45 and 3," Mia replied.

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