Chapter one diary entry 1-4

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Diary entry 15th September 2018
People are going missing no one knows why I'm investigating it all the victims have no connection it's odd I asked my brother for help he said he's investigating another case of strange pods apparently the towns people aren't bothered by this I'll look into that after this case. Ms Johnson she lives across the hallway she always baked me fresh bread until last week her son was kidnapped never seen again that's the 21st person 21 is a big number I've got a lead apparently some cult has been taking them I've been writing to a online detective we've been investigating the same case it was both news to us about the cult but he got a name Cthulhu what this means is beyond me were meeting tomorrow at a local cafe

Diary entry 17th September 2018
I met up with that guy online Dave he seems nice cares about the people like I do were attempting to find the cult we searched warehouses,apartment building you name it we searched it and nothing absolutely nothing the difference between me and him is I get a pay check and he doesn't I told him if we find the cult I'll pay him big money but for now he operates without pay we decided to buy new phones God knows who is part of this cult we can't have anyone listening me and my brother exchanged info capparently the pods are still there they gave off a green gas and now people are behaving weird I've told him to leave before anything weird happens but he refuses to let the city die he loves his job like I do I just hope he's ok and returns safely

Diary entry 22nd September 2017
It's not looking good a group of kids went missing God knows where to I'm still cheating to Dave online were getting worried very worried if we don't catch this cult soon we'll have a lot of unhappy parents a hell of a lot of paperwork and maybe even a lawsuit or two shoved up are asses there's 3 swamps near by there the only places we haven't checked getting worried those kids might be dead I don't wanna see a kids rotting corpse were talking to the parents trying to keep them sane some of them have offered to help us I don't advice that in case the kids are dead but we do have a few fathers who are willing (despite me trying to talk them out of it) to help one even told us a old myth that I'm starting to think might be all but true many years ago a being known only as Cthulhu ruled over us he made us all slaves but one day him and the other creatures were trapped in R'lehy it sunk way to the bottom of the ocean him and the other creatures can only come back when the stars a line and the we will all become slaves yet again

Diary entry 23rd September
We had good news today we found a cult of Cthulhu one of the fathers beat the leader to a blood pulp when he revealed that they weren't the only cult in the area there was lots more we found another group were we found one of the fathers kids he was so happy the boy had been put underwater for long periods of time when we got to him the only thing that he could say was "Daddy he's coming Cthulhu is coming" the boy didn't last long a cult member shot him right in the head the father turned around ripped my shotgun clean out of my hand and blew his brains out of course me and David had to report it but I'm helping him in court I'm hoping he's gonna be ok he lost his son and wife had died of human combustion that same day I think he'll do little time and get out on good behaviour and even more bad news the bodies of the kids are starting to rack up I'm having to use barley "legal" methods to find out where the other bodies are and the city my brother was in I've lost contact wow life really does suck

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2016 ⏰

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