Faking Skating

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Dedication: TaintedRain


My hands were unsteady with nerves as I strapped the ice skates on. I glanced at Will who was already on his second skate. I'd had to change my size because the boot had uncomfortably dug into my ankle but these new ones weren't all that of an improvement. They still dug into my feet in various places despite the thick socks and bigger skates but if I got a size any bigger my feet would slip out.

"Hey, Fal, ready to go?" Will got up from the cold, wooden bench and motioned towards the rink with a goofy grin on his face. He had managed to perch himself on the thin skates as if it required no effort. I pulled the last skate on and smiled nervously as I prepared to stand up.

"I guess, just give me a sec-" my words were cut short as a surprised shriek ripped out of my mouth as I fell to the floor. Will's grin grew wider as he stuck his hand out to help me pull myself up from where I had landed on the ground.

"I bet you this won't be the last time you fall, especially when you're around me," He smirked as he helped me cross from the bench to the edge of the rink.

I rolled my eyes but quickly realised I needed to keep my eyes focused as around me other people skated around faster than I ever hoped to achieve.

Will skated away from me and went around the rink a couple times before stopping in front of me.

"You coming?"

"I think I'd prefer to stay here thanks" I muttered, clinging closer to the sides.

"Let go!"

"Never!" I protested, glancing at Will's laughing body as he skated backwards and then back towards me again. Clutching the side of the ice rink closer to me I tried to skate away from Will as I knew he would try to get me to let go of the railing. I squealed when I felt hands wrap around my waist and I tried to push off him but the skates went out from underneath me and I fell flat on my bottom.

Will tried to contain his laughter as he stuck his hand out for me to take but as I grabbed it I tried to pull him down too. Unfortunately, he was prepared for this and still managed to pull me up so we were away from the sides.

I clutched at Will's jumper and pulled him closer, scared he'd skate away and leave me stranded in the middle of the rink. All the other skaters were whizzing past, even little six-year-olds, and I couldn't even stand without support.

"Will, please take me back!" I begged, glancing around to the edge trying to calculate whether or not I'd be able to slide along on my bottom without freezing or getting run over.

"Fal, I came here to skate with my girlfriend and I intend to do just that." He smirked at me, probably guessing that if I made it to the edge I'd probably go straight to the gate and take these godforsaken, ankle bruising skates off.

"You can still skate!" I replied, still trying to find a way out this, "I'll just be over there watching you," I pointed at some benches outside of the rink in the heated cafe.

"But I wanna skate with you," Will protested, swinging me further away from the edge and almost causing me to fall again. "Okay, you know what? How about I let you go and if you make it to the edge without falling we can move onto the next part of our date." He looked hopeful that I would agree and I didn't want to cause any more trouble. I mean, he did go through the trouble of planning this date.

I agreed, still somewhat hesitant considering we were in the middle of the rink and I basically had no chance but still, when there's a will there's a way, and I had a Will so I will find my way. 

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