William the poisonous mushroom

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 William the poisonous mushroom decided to go for a walk one day. His mother mushroom and father mushroom noth said he couldn't. He yelled at them

"You're not the boss of me"

But the elder mushroom sternly told him.

"They are your parents respect their authority."

But the little mushroom adolescent decided against it. The mushroom decided he would take off the next morning.

All during the night the mushrooms of his little mushroom village tried to convince he couldn't go.

"where will you go?" asked little susie the yellow mushroom.

"When do you plan to return?" Asked Mr.Poisonton.

Mr.Killem just yelled at him and said "Why don't you get going then, why wait until morning?"

This made William even more determined. He believed the only way he could keep on living was to leave.


The next morning William tried to set off. Unfortunatly he couldn't because he was a mushroom therefore he couldnt move. The people of the Mushroom viallage laughed at poor william because of his "Stupidity"

"It's common knowledge of all mushrooms, you can not leave" laughed Lola the only non poisonous mushroom in the village.

The days went by turning into weeks and still the oung mushroom could not leave. But one day with his non existant ears he heard footsteps and voices in the forrest.

"We should probably head back now, remember its almost lunch time" Said one of the voices.

"No lets skip the rest of the day I don't want to go to English class." Said another voice.

They came upon the mushroom village and the boys hungrily looked at he residents.

"Oh these look better than the school food anyway."


After the boy said that they devoured the entire village with only william left. William was the last to go. He was finally able to leave his spot like he had always dreamed of but ended up swallowed and in one of the boys stomachs. Unfortunatly since the boys ate the entire village of poisonous mushrooms (besides Lola) they died. And that my dear readers is te story of William the poisonous mushroom.


Sorry for the randomness and stupidity of this story my teacher was making us write a story for a spelling test. and no one wanted to do it so I wrote this trying to get under her skin, wekk that didn't work she gave me a 100% on it so yea.

William the poisonous mushroomWhere stories live. Discover now