Tortured... Yes. But NEVER Tamed.

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Hello guys, i thought i would write a less supernatural book unlike my previous attempts at writing. i would gladly accept any criticism you can offer me in order to make my writing more structured, or just better in general. Thanks again Please Vote, if you like it, Fan if you loved it :) and comment regardless of your opinion. -Now i must worn you this book will have much intense feeling, graphic description and possibly gruesome as well so it will not be for those under the age of 17 if you read on despite my warning i will not be liable. Also everything in this book, its chapters it characters, act will be under the copyright act. Now enjoy x



I could hear the crack.

The crack of the whip as the leather made indents on my skin. Cutting through my flesh like a scalpel would a carcass. 



With every movement of his hands, the whip would tower over me for a second, before once again slashing through my skin as if it were paper. Leaving me with lacerations all over my tender back. As the whip soared through the air, giving another punishing blow, my hand stayed restrained at the wrist with medieval shackles on a chain.

Tied to the ceiling, as my feet were also restrained, by shackles at the ankle. Essentially dangling me in the air by my hands. Leaving me completely immobile, and unable to fight back. 

He visits me every day to deliver my punishment. He say's that normally he would wait till i have done something that needed punishment, but as i have caused so many problems worth punishment, that it would be easier to just do it everyday.

So he comes to my cell down stairs in a concrete jail cell with no windows, and only one metal locked door, and he takes me up stairs to what i like to call the torture chamber.

The first time i saw it i saw petrified. Imagine being taken from your home on a night out, hooded, forced into a cell, minimum water, barley any food, waiting their next request. Until after a few days of waiting for something to happen.

A tall man in blood stained cloths walked into my cell, grabbed me and started pulling me upstairs, muttering something about, getting to be the first one to break me in. he stopped us, and i realised we were walking down a long hall, and had now stopped at a dark wooden door, with brass knobs. As he pushed me into the room all i could see was blood. 


The room was average size, the door was to the very left side of the room, and to the right of the door was a metal cabinet, which obviously held medical gear and drugs. I looked beyond the cabinet the size of a large fridge, and focused on a table, a metal table, completely clean. I then glanced to the side of the table to find what looked like a pallet, the kind doctors used to hold their instruments during an operation.

It wasn't so much as the dirty room that scared me, or the clean table for people to lie on, it wasn't even the pallet. But it was what was on the pallet, that made my face whiten.

My breathing hitched as i took in the rusty, blood covered instruments that was lie there. The man beside me chuckled at my expression as he pushed me in further, closed the door and tuned to me with a sick twisted smile i knew i would learn to fear. as he approached me his eyes were glistening, with pure excitement that made the bile in my stomach rise. And a dread seize my body with a sense of hopelessness. 

Right then and there i knew he was sick. And i knew he would hurt me. And i knew he would enjoy it.


Now i have only written a small chapter because i wanted to see how you would react. Again comments votes and fans would be much appreciated. Thank you for reading :D i love you guys :D xx


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2012 ⏰

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