Thunderstorm (Pandora Hearts- Oz x Alice)

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"Chains can not love, right Alice?" Break asked, his white hair falling over his right eye. Those words pounded through my skull as I ran down the road. It was thunder storming, rather loudly at that. Raindrops pounded down on my skin as I ran down the cobblestone road.

"So what if I can't feel love?" I thought aloud, my words drowned out by the torrential rain and cracking thunder. Still, my brain was restless. What was that feeling then? What was that feeling, that painful feeling, I got whenever I looked at him? My hands would get clammy, and my heart raced. It sucked. I had asked Sharron, and she had laughed at me! She laughed! I would rip her limb from limb if I could! No, she was one of the few friends I had aquired in this place. I sighed, stopping only from my sprint to kick a fallen over trashcan. 

"Alice! Alice!" I heard him call from behind me, somewhat nervous. Oz Vessalius hadn't told anyone, bu he was terrified of thunderstorms. Why was he out here then? "There you are!" The blonde haired boy cheered, racing forward. "You stormed off back there," He commented, green eyes laced with concern. "Is everything alright?'

Was I alright? No. Those same eyes looked at me, eye to eye with my brown ones. I hated them. They'd always made me feel awkward and nervous, like they judged my every move. These feelings, these symptoms, match up to that disease. That terrible, terrible curse, love.

Yet, those green eyes looked up at me. I managed to sigh, "I'm fine. Just sick of doll boy."

It was true. The mighty Xerces Break carried around a doll like a baby. It talked too; it was named Emily. Break loved it. I, on the other hand, loathed the thing. I'd rather kill it.

"Yeah," Oz agreed, "Emily was being a little mean." A clap of thunder roared through the sky, and Oz jumped. "Let's go Alice!" He squeaked, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the manor.

Curse these human emotions.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 06, 2013 ⏰

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