why chrislam?

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  • Dedicated to you

should i carry on this is a non edited draft of part of the first chapter feedback is crucail!!!!!!!!



1. LUCE , 14

 london, england


i look at the newspaper my mom is blankly staring at. i know somethings wrong seeing that my dad, the good christian he is started swearing up a storm a few moments ago while he was reading it. i read the headline, 'U.N DECLARES A NEW WORLD ORDER: one planet, one religion. it will be called chrislam, anyone who resists religion and chooses not to believe, will be tortured and/or shot no matter the age or status!' my jaw drops, what the hell?? why would i change my religion? i love being a christian, i will never change that! i scream in frustration and ran up to my room without a second thought.

"luce baby you okay? dont be frustrated, can i come in??" my dad says. "okeydokey, ya sure..." i mumble. he comes in and sits down on my bed with me. "hey you know as well as i do this chrislam stuff is bullcrap and our family will never follow it! even if we die well die faithful" i tried to stifle my giggling. bullcrap? that is the funniest half swear word iv ever heard him say. "im serious lu" he tells me with a spark of hope in his eyes "no matter what luce, my baby girl, you must hide your christianity unless you are willing to go to heaven after  torturous beatings!" my head shot up emmediatley, beatings? torture? i couldnt endure that! "i-i think i'll hide it until i feel it is time... by the way what is chrislam??" 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2011 ⏰

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