1. The First Day

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The floorboards creaked and groaned as I made my way to the door, mirroring my own thoughts of uncertainty. I could hear the muffled voice of the teacher filtering through as I got closer.

I was finally here, at the Academy. It was all thanks to Guy Sensei that this was happening. If it wasn't for him, I'd still be hiding my abilities from my aunt, who wasn't exactly the supportive type on the subject...

'You know better than to use your cursed abilities here! You're a disgrace to this family!'... The words of my aunt echoed in my head.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder, forcing me out of my thoughts. "Don't worry about it, Yuka," Guy Sensei said encouragingly.

"But, Guy Sensei...what if I find out that I'm not good enough?"

"You'll do just fine. Besides, you're just coming into the springtime of your youth, so don't you waste it!" He flashed me one of his trademark smiles, his teeth gleaming.

I giggled, my mood lightening. Guy Sensei was the best. He knew exactly how to cheer me up. "Now get in there and show them the power of youth!" I gave him a thumbs up, my chest filling with courage. I turned back to the door as he left, feeling better about my decision than before.

I closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. Hiding the fact that I was a ninja was all in the past now. This was my new beginning, my pivot point. 'Here goes...' I braced myself and stepped into the classroom.

The instructor, Tonoko Sensei, welcomed me in and I stood right in front. Many of the students were staring at me and I stiffened, feeling my face heat up a little. My courage was being watered down already. I'd forgotten how much I hated being the center of attention...

"Good morning class! As you can see, today we have a new student."

For a few moments, I was frozen, unsure of what to say. This was embarrassing. 'Introduce yourself, you idiot!' I mentally scolded myself. I bowed, finally snapping out of it, though I still felt awkward. "M-my name is Hasu no Hana, but you can just call me Yuka. Thank you."

Silence. Then quiet voices.

"Yuka. Why don't you go sit over there, by Kichiro?" I looked to where he was pointing. I saw an empty seat in between a boy with spiky blue hair and a smirk on his face, and another on the left who had jet black hair pulled into a braid at his back, and was staring intensely at his desk as if he were trying to burn holes into it...or, in this case, avoid eye contact.

As I moved towards the back of the class, hushed whispers were being exchanged throughout the room. I only heard little bits and pieces, but...

"Where's she from?..."

"Ha! She's sitting next to that loser?..."

"Yeah, but also Kichiro..."

"She's kinda pretty..."

"I wonder how good a ninja she is..."

I sat down in my chair, nervously running a few of my fingers through my plain brown hair.

Just then, a ninja wearing a green vest walked into the room. He had a scar across the bridge of his nose and a stern expression on his face. He whispered something into Tonoko Sensei's ear. His eyes widened.

"Are you sure, Iruka?"

The ninja nodded.

"Yes, Naruto is at it again."

Sensei clenched his jaw for a moment, then called, "Excuse me class, but I will be leaving for a little while. Something urgent has come up. Behave yourselves!" Then he walked out and was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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