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First life; when God lived me in this unknown world.
Puppy love; when she'd tried to see me and got me by her hands.
School; when I called it my second home in highest degree of first education.
First teacher; when discpline punctuated in the name of dot the i's and cross the t's.
Instruction; when I learned to behave myself.
The admirer; when she got me blindly while I was oblivious to her feelings.
Honors; when gratitude made me special.
Interest; when intended to know of who I am.
Cross; when Bible appeared to my heart.
Loves; when the magic fulfilled my innermost feeling and inspired my blue heart.
Stars; when wondered how to reach the reality of excellence.
Friends; when unselfish becomes sacrifice.
Dreams; when that fate stepped to me.
Failure; when my other part won't give up.
Heart broken; when I can't cry enough for you.
Lonely; when peace becomes my music.
Utopia; when impossibility becomes my act.

Life has meaning.
Gave me a reason;
Directed by light and darkness.

//Arcane of "IdeaLifism"//

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