Find Me (original story)

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Airplanes, they are so boring and here I am on my way to England. It was a bumpy ride and the guy next to me wont stop snoring it was driving me bonkers. My life wasn’t exactly perfect, thrown from foster home to foster home until now that im 16. I just left my last one booked a ticket and went to England to start a new life.

I kept my backpack close where a few pairs of clothes, a sketch pad, notebook, pens, pencils and the other art supplies and some money that I had stolen from my foster parents I had over the years. I smiled and closed my eyes before the plane shook. My eyes snapped open as everything started going haywire.

“ladies and gentlemen we are having problems please stay calm and buckle your seatbelts and use the oxygen masks were going down!” the pilot said making me panic. The plane took a huge dip and I looked out the window seeing one of the planes wings on fire. I was freaking out. I heard screams and crying from the other passengers. I held the arm rests tightly in my hands.

I licked my lips and put the oxygen mask on before the plane hit something hard knocking my breath out of my lungs. I coughed and closed my eyes for a minute before snapping them open seeing water and an explosion hit the plane and more screams were heard. I bit my lip and flung the oxygen mask off as a fire broke out. The flames ate everything in its path. I saw people die and get hurt all around me. I couldn’t even think straight as I quickly took my seatbelt off standing up with my water proof backpack.

“shit..” I mumbled seeing people stuck. I couldn’t worry about thme though as cold as it seemed I wanted to live. I didn’t want to be a hero.

“help us! Please!” a woman yelled and so many others did as the flames engulfed them. I moved to the window and used my foot to kick through the glass and cried out as It cut my leg. I flinched back and made the glass go and tossed my bag onto the planes wing getting out. I saw a storm surging around the plane in the middle of the ocean.

“what am I going to do?” I croaked as tears rolled down my face, I looked around with my brown hair whipping around my face and body. I put my backpack on my back and slowly moved down the wing. Another explosion knocked me into the water with my back burning horribly.

I choked as the water filled my lungs. I struggled and opened my eyes which stung from the salt seeing the plane sinking, the force and weight started pulling me down and I choked as my lungs hurt from holding my breath. I kicked my legs and clawed for air before something pushed me. I gasped as the air hit my face and i coughed as I moved forward seeing a piece of metal from the plane I clung to it looking around as waves pushed me to and fro.

I coughed and felt something hit my foot making me gasp. I clambered ontop of the metal glad it wasn’t sinking though it should have been. I saw something moving down there and it looked huge! “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck” I mumbled quietly with tears rolling down my face.

It hit the metal trying to knock me over and succeeded withme falling on my butt. “HELP!” I yelled freaking out. I saw something floating in the water towards me and it had a fin. “no no no no no!” I cried hysterically shaking with the fear. I went through my bag and pulled out a was a bit longer then the pocket knife. I bit my lip and it hit the metal from underneath making me fly in the air hitting the water hard. I gasped and closed my eyes sinking down again. I saw my bag and snatched it as something big came towards me. My eyes widened as I saw the shark figure.

“help” I yelled in the water trying to sink more. I let more air escape my lungs letting me barely get hit by the thing. Another thing came from behind me attacking the other fish thing. I started swimming and made it to the top gasping for air looking around the waves, the lightning which really scared me and the rain. I saw nothing, absolutely nothing. I swam towards the reckage hearing the two fighting underneath and looked through what floated above the water. I noticed a figure on another piece of metal seeing a little girl. I swam faster and clambered onto the piece. “please be alive” I whispered with tear filled eyes.

I felt for a pulse and sighed softly seeing she was dead, I carefully held her close seeing a really bad head wound. “shit” I mumbled softly I carefully pushed her into the water and saw her get snatched up by beast. I looked away flinching and looked at my hands. “stupid fucking England” I mumbled, I looked around picking up random foods or drinks that were still good.  I kept my backpack close and drifted for four days.

I still had trouble with the stupid fish every once in a while the farther I got the more determined they became. I was getting so tired and weak by the fifth day that I just passed out under the rain. I couldn’t stay awake anymore.

By the time I woke up again I was on shore somewhere. I groaned opening my eyes as my head pounded, I could only see fog and darkness. I sat up feeling horrible, my whole body ached . I looked around biting my bottom lip that was dryer then anything. I slowly and shakily stood up keeping my bag close and an unopened bottle of water. I gulped down some and looked around as I hitched mypack up higher. “now where are you going to go kenz?” I whispered to myself slowly walking towards the forest.

I heard different animal sounds none that I was used to as I walked farther in. What really surprised me was how little there were of bugs and mosquitos.  I kept walking till I couldn’t, I saw a huge town right in front of me and my eyes bugged out of my head. “oh…my….god”

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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