pasts that connect

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I lean my head agenst the window its wet frost cooling my cheak the bus jolts and bumps my forhead hits the glass with a sharp slam and i move from the window of the bus.

The key around her necklace was cold and sharp in her hands as she rolled in across her fingers it was silver and had three small flower ingravings on it .

I smiled as I thought of my mom giving it to me my mom had died when I was only eight and left me with the small key necklace she had always worn.

I would never loose it I thought as the soft beat of music from my head phones filled my ears.

The bus stopped abruply and james tomus got off he was pretty attrative i was thinking as i heard a voice yelling her name josephine.

I turned around to find talia latberg in the seat behind me annoyed not wanted to be rude i took out a head phone and managed a smile.

so blah blah blah she dronned off i zoned out into my music as always talias grin changes as she yelled Josephine are you listen.

yea i say oh look have to go a slip out of the bus in a rush grabing my mathbook and ipod and finally just in case feeling for my necklace.

I walk through my yard to my frount door in icy chill rushing through me at i walk to my fround door.

I open the door with a slam it shuts behind me my dad looking up at me with a grin how was school fine i saw and he turns back to his football game.

My four year old brother eli rushes down the stairs hi E i smile he frowns were is your key fear comes over me as i feel for my key its there what are you talking about he starts laughing like crazy i yell you jerk as i run to my bed room.

I sit there homework at my bright orange desk i just stair at it not feeling in the mood for homework i turn on the tv and smile as i hear the familure tune spounge bob square pants ringing on the tv as a start to fall asleep.

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