Miss. Legend- Prologue

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I was always the weird one, you know.

I mean the one who never joins the ‘others’ to do things. I love reading the Arthurian legends because they are based in a world no one knows anything about except the writer of the books of course. No one can know what goes on in the writer’s mind. I also love dressing in the colors black or silver. I have leather jackets on end and skinny jeans without number. I also wear a lot of sports bras. I wear combat boots a lot as well and minimal jewelry (you know, piercings here and there- here and there being my nose and five on my right ear). I also have a tattoo with the Knight’s insignia from the legends on the side of my stomach. It is very beautiful and the only one I am allowed by my guardian/father Jack.

I am also weird because I have special ability. In my head is the map of every single place- fiction or non-fiction- so I can never get lost. I can also shoot fire from my hands. Pretty cool right?

I love my life, mostly, although I find myself wishing I were a real knight sometimes. I have only one friend and he is the best in the whole world. His name? David Arthur. How did he become my best friend? His last name is Arthur.

I never told David about my powers. Of course not. He would’ve thought me a freak. I just kept my secret between me and Jack, who trained me.

Jacob O’Dell was the greatest map-reader that ever lived, well, until I was born that is. He says I stole his spotlight in our little Irish community but he never seems to mind. In fact, he taught me everything I know. He brought me up after my parents decided I wasn’t worth the trouble and has put up with me and my weirdness since my birth. I don’t know much about him, but I do know that he loves me. It was obvious because I could read the paths that his brain took. His head is like a map as is everyone else’s in the worlds so I can read signals from brains sometimes as well. He always told me that I’m special and have a destiny and all that but I didn’t believe him- emphasis on didn’t. How can a firecracker be special?

I am almost literally a firecracker by the way. I’m half-Irish, which gives me hair the color of the fire that took the Roman cities, and some other kind of European descent thing. I have pale skin and my eyes are the color of a Hawaiian sea when I’m feeling alright and clear white when I’m not (translation: angry). I feel special with these attributes, but that’s about it. Why would somebody be happy about wearing gloves all the time so that the heat of your hands won’t singe someone’s arm hair?

But I found out just how special I am a few days ago. Or was it weeks or months? I lost track of time. But here’s the story. By the way, Arthur is hot!

Author's Note: I know Piper Fawn is not popular at all, but she is a redhead, so... 

BTW, the charazcter's meant to be a knight of sorts at the end, so I got that picture. Hope u like it!


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