Desperate Yearnings: Zuko

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"Zuko, please, my love, listen to me. Everything I've done, I've done it to protect you. Remember this, Zuko. No matter how things may seem to change, never forget who you are...." My mother, beautiful, known as the jewel of the fire nation. Her dark brown hair that felt like silk, her eyes rare with kindness. She took her fingers and gently rubbed my cheek. She then kissed my forehead, laying me back down I whimpered as she did. She stood and walked to my door, turning back for one more glance. Putting her hood up, shutting the door. "MOM!" I jolted up out of my bed and onto the floor looking at the open door and crisp sea air. Feeling the sweat run down my head and back. I relaxed my tense body. I looked to my left, windows were the main structure of the wall. The wind blew in, moving the drapes further into the room. I closed my eyes remembering Ember Island as a teenager, Kyra laughs echo in my head. "Zuko.. Listen to the waves crash into the earth, its so calming." She would say to me as she laid her head on my shoulder. I could feel her warmth on me, it was like she was really here. The sun started to rise, I opened my eyes. I looked out the window to see Republic City. I hadn't been here since the children were toddlers. Aang wanted us to donate a statue in the likeness of Kyra for the Air-bending Festival. The only reason we came today was to see the lanterns floating in honor of the 100 year destruction that led to the genocide of the airbenders. A war we all ended together. 

Tiny footsteps ran down the hall. I smiled and turned seeing Ling staring at me, "You ok daddy?" She knew I wasn't, "Yes, my dear." She came and hugged me. She was just like her mother, her caring-ness and need to make everyone happy. "Where is Ren?" She leaned back and smiled,"He smelt Aunt Katara's cooking and ran with Tenzin at his feet." We both laughed as we walked out together and there I found Ren with Tenzin watching Katara cook. Ling walked over and sat next to Tenzin. Kaya with Bumi entered, Kaya reading a book moved like a movement of water smoothly to her seat. As Bumi ran wacking Tenzin on the back of the head. Ren went to fire bend, "Ren! No fire-bending in the house! And Bumi, don't bother a bender unless you want a unnecessary injury." Bumi nodded and sat next to Ren who messed up his hair when he sat down. I looked at them all, twins were sixteen, Bumi was ten, Kaya eight, and Tenzin six. Katara turned, "So glad I have help disciplining these three." She sat setting food down on their plates. They all bowed, said a silent prayer and ate. Aang walked in yawning going to Katara kissing her on the cheek, then going around kissing his kids and niece and nephew. "Morning everyone!" He looked towards me, "Zuko, you look unusually pale?" I chuckled, "What else is new?" I sat down on the stool to the side. Katara came to me, "Hmmm, let me see you." She touched my head and neck, "Night sweats.." I sighed, "Yes.." She looked at Aang, "Ling and Tenzin go to the sparring ring, Aang will join you soon. Ren, Uncle Iroh is waiting for you outside.. Take Bumi with you. Kaya, I will meet you for your water lesson outside go.." They all parted trying to scarf down whatever was left on their plates for breakfast. When they all were far enough away Katara looked at me, "Now, this is the tenth nightmare in the last three weeks. What's going on?" I sighed, "It's seriously nothing.." Aang sighed, "She's right Zuko. You have been acting strange. I know it's been sixteen years since Kyra." A memory occurred in my head, light brown hair, green determined eyes, soft lips, and a beautiful smile. My wife, a day doesn't go by that I don't miss her. "I do miss her, more everyday. Though my nightmares have been about my mother." They stood silent, "Your mother?" Aang and said sitting down. Katara sighs, "Anything in this dream particular?" I stand walking towards the window.

"Just her last words to me, then vanishes." Aang nods, "I think we can make arrangements." I turned to Aang, "Aang, its just a dream. They happen for when you worry about something unconsciously." He smiled, "Just trust me." I looked to Katara who was giggling and then looked back at Aang, "Alright guru goody goody." I went to stood shaking my head and walked to my room and suited up. I had sent an elite fire-bending Navy Fleet to protect Aang here at Republic City. Even as an adult he is hard to keep still in one place, he still sees himself as untouchable. I was headed to check on them. I reached the Republic City where I found them. Everything checked out, I had a little extra time. So, I wandered the streets heading to the Courthouse courtyard garden. I had walked into the flower infested place, when I saw her. She held our four nations symbol flags, Kyra. People were laying flowers, candles, and more. I sat on a bench in front of her. Taking it in. When a lady sat heavily next to me, "Seeing the sights hot head?" I turned, "Toph?" She smiled, "Who else would it be?" She spit on the ground. She was decked out in metal armor, with the chief of police symbol on her right chest plate. "Chief huh? If I remember right you were for breaking the rules." She nodded, "Well, somethings change. Except for this one, we aren't suppose to put sentimental items on statues like gods. But
I don't consider this one a statue, but a missing friend." She smiled, her glossy crystal eyes closed. "Thank you.." She opened them and slapped my back. "Anyway, council wants to see you.." I chuckled, "For what?" She stood, "I don't know..Something about dreams."

I laughed, "Aang works fast doesn't he?" I stood, "Oh you know twinkle toes?" She started to lead me to the Courthouse, Toph looked to be a celebrity. Citizens came to her with problems and everytime she nodded and waved her hand. Reporters where crawling all over the entrance of the courthouse, I just suppose reporters wanted to know the facts. Unfortunately for them, she ignored them. When we entered inside Toph motioned to go to the left room. Inside I found councilmen and women from all our nation's, besides me. Aang, Cheif Sokka, Cheif Hato, and Earth King Tuk with President Riki sitting. "Morning Council?" They all nodded and in unison, "Hello Firelord Zuko." Sokka looked to Aang, "A few weeks ago we received information from our researchers trying to find history and they came upon some interesting facts about...your mother. We thought nothing of it until Aang came to us today about you having interesting dreams about your mother. " I looked to Sokka, "What information have you received?" Sokka nodded and looked to Aang who took over, "Turns out letters have been hiddenly sent to your father from your mother." He paused to let me sink this in, "She had stated she didn't need him, information like that. The last known site of her was a small village that looks abandoned on the map. But we decided too..." Sokka coughed. Aang looked to him confused. "What!!! Gonna do what?" I half screamed at them. 

Sokka sighed, "We want to go on an expedition. And there is something else we haven't told you" I waited, "Letters were sent to Kyra as well. Maps, entries, you name it." I smiled in a weird way, as they continued. "So we need to wake up Kyra for help." I was in shock, Kyra would be awakened. "The council can not just agree, the White Lotus superiors must agree. They are coming tonight to discuss it." I nodded, "How did you find out about these letters?" They went quiet. "HOW!" Aang sighed, "Azula.." Rage filled me, "That little.." Sokka interrupted, "She suddenly said something to one of my guards. I found it suspicious." I nodded, "I need to speak to her." He nodded, "Of course." Aang smiled, "We thought of a perfect elite team for you to bring along. Including, Toph, Katara, Sokka, Kyra, and I." I bowed, "Thank you.." Toph escorted me out. We walked out to the courtyard again, I know she could feel I was tense. She stayed to keep my company so we spoke of family. When she brought up her daughter Lin, "Lin has grown so much. She's six, same as Tenzin. Going to school here." I nodded, "How's Yukon?" Yukon was her deadbeat husband, something that shocked me about Toph was she chose someone who was terrible for her. She was just a strong woman and I never pictured her with, but none the less the group stayed quiet about it. Her bottom lip went rigid, "He...Uh..." I stopped in my tracks, "Oh Toph..." She kept walking, "Don't feel sorry for me. I can take care of us myself." She faced me, "I don't need him, Lin is better without him and I am better without him!" She ran to the street trash can and vomited. "Toph!" I ran to her. "Leave me alone!" She ran off leaving me to contemplate what had happened.

I sighed I knew where she was headed so I walked to the Police headquarters. I entered, "Firelord Zuko, what an honor!" A young tall boy said across the counter, "Hello, is Chief Toph in today?" He nodded and pointed to the hall to the left, "Fifth door, sir." I nodded walking down to the fifth door. "Lin! Listen you can't fight every person who makes you mad! You are in so much.." I knocked on the door. I heard her sigh. "Enter.." I walked in to see Lin look at me, her nose bloody and her left eye black. "Uncle Zuko!" She came and ran to me, I hugged her. "Lin...go to the sparring ring. Now." Lin cringed and so did I. She ran out a tear went down her face. "Little hard on her weren't you?" She sighed frustrated, "Yes.. I suppose. UHHH!" She flung papers all over the floor. "Toph.." She turned to me and softly whispered, "I'm pregnant Zuko.." In shock, "What?" I had never seen Toph this way, she has been so centered. She sat down, "What am I gonna do?" I sighed while walking around to her, "Calm down is the dad around for this?" She nodded, "Sorta he doesn't know yet." I exasperated looked up and back at her, "Toph, can you tell me? Who the dad is?" She put her head back frustrated, "It's uh...Sokka." My mouth gapped open a jar. "What!? I mean I know as kids you two dated until he became councilman and you Cheif of Police." She nodded, "Yeah, I've been meaning to tell him. Just never seems right." I nodded, "Sooner than later I'd say." She nodded, "Just don't say anything.." I smiled, "I won't.."

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