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This is a story I'm writing for Nanowrimo, that means I won't edit it until all the way at the end, once the month is over. Please excuse any mistakes, I will do my best to clean them up later.

This will be posted chapter by chapter, though if you want to see the gdocs version, you may find it here:

EDIT: Hmm, Wattpad doesn't seem to let me highlight, copy and paste. also has trouble shortening the link, so unfortunately, getting to the gdoc will be a bit hard. I have a link up in my blog, however. And I have a link to my blog in my profile.

The gdocs version will be more up to date, and changes on there might not be on here until the end of the month. The downside is that there might be a lot more half-finished sentences and stopping right in the middle of a chapter.

Thank you for understanding, and I hope you enjoy.

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