Melted Wings

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(A/N: I was inspired by the story of Icarus, a character in greek mythology who were once in love by the sun and sea. Yet I ended this piece not in tragic ending like Icarus did but because I believe that there’s no wrong in believing and dreaming like Icarus. You can also checked this at my tumblr account at

In the middle of the struggle, I fly.

Fly and there I was fell in love.

In love with his radiance.

Radiance of power and glow.

Glow with pleasure with warm,

Warm with your embrace,

Embrace by your illussion,

Illussion that made me fall.

Fall from the depth of the sea,

Sea where love and care awaits.

Wait for ambious being,

Being who want to touch the sky.

Sky that let me fall in waters,

Waters that tear me into pieces.

Pieces that made me stronger,

Stronger that made me today.

Today I woke up with smile

Smile that erase all my past

Past which help me to know you

You, who save me for being Icarus.

Intimate Attraction: A Collection of Love PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon