Once upon a reality..Boyxboy

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"Once upon a time there was a prince with a march in his stride, and gleam in his eye when his eyes fell on a beautiful princess-" 4 little year old me interrupted her.

"But mommy, why can't it be a prince he saw, why a princess?"

"Because honey, every fairy-tale starts like that." She tried to explain.

I still didn't understand why the princess has to be a princess instead of another prince. Was it wrong for two princes to be together?

"Mommy, but why can't this fairy-tale be different? Would that be wrong?"

"Alright, Alright, this fairy-tale will be different, just don't let daddy hear." She spoke softly and she began again, " Once upon a time there was a prince who was different then most, he didn't stride, he marched, and he was even more so different when his eyes fell onto a beautiful prince..." And that story kept on going. Each day, the 4 year year old me would ask his mother for a different story about the prince and his prince...

Until his daddy found out..


"-He danced and danced with his lovely prince, and when the clock striked 12, it rung and rung, telling Cinderfellow to run or he'll be late, and his evil step mother and brothers will be even more mad than they already wore, He ran and ran, and the prince called after him, "you dropped your cuff button!" But Cinderfellow was already gone.."

"What happened next mommy?" Asked 6 year old me.

"Ah that is for another day..Tomorrow night, I'll finish where we left off, now go to bed sweetheart." My mother soothed my black hair away from my eyes, and kissed my forehead goodnight.

During the night, my fathers voice woke me up with a start.

"How dare you tell stories about Fags! Our son will not be poisoned with such talk!" He thundered angerly.

My moms soft cries telling my father that the much have heard wrong, hearing a loud smack, I head my head underneath my covers.

My mother came in, with a cheek that looked red from a great force, "Mommy what happened? Why is daddy mad? Why are your eyes red? Mommy-"

But all she said was,"Honey, I don't believe I can finish our story, maybe when your older you'll be able to finish it by yourself." She smiled tightly and than she crawled underneath the covers and held me until I fell asleep.


I never had another story told to me unless they were deemed fit by my father. I never truly wanted another story if they weren't about the prince and his husband...

I guess I'll have to finish it off, now won't I..

Once Upon A Reality..Boyxboy Where stories live. Discover now