Jesus of Wigan

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Jesus of Wigan 


Francis Garfitt 

Text copyright \u00a9 2013 Francis Garfitt 

All Rights Reserved 



According to Marcia 

Ma.1 - ASPD 

Ma.2 - Hypericum Perforatum 

Ma.3 - The Burning Child 

Ma.4 - The Source of all Easels 

Ma.5 - F.E.A.R. 

Ma.6 - Have a Cigar 

Ma.7 - Flowin' Prose 

Ma.8 - Thank You for Hearing Me 

Ma.9 - No Confidence 

Ma.10 - The Plasticity of Existence 

Ma.11 - # 9 Dream 

Ma.12 - A Prayer for England 

Ma.13 - Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus 

Ma.14 - El Sueno de la Razon Produce Monstruos 

Ma.15 - One Small Day 

Ma.16 - Breathe 

Ma.17 - Sex as a Weapon 

Ma.18 - Heart and Soul 

Ma.19 - Up 

Ma.20 - Protection 

Ma.21 - Personal Jesus 

Ma.22 - The Violence of Truth 

Ma.23 - Thunder Road 

Ma.24 - Mass Destruction 

Ma.25 - Did ye get Healed? 

Ma.26 - I am... I said 

Ma.27 - On Cannibals 

Ma.28 - Lumen de Lumen 

Ma.29 - Growth of the Soil 

Ma.30 - Don Juan in Hell 

Ma.31 - Arepo the Sower Guides the Wheels with Care 

Ma.32 - Come As You Are 

Ma.33 - This Hard Land 

Ma.34 - I Will 

Ma.35 - Summer Rain 

Ma.36 - Dogs in the Traffic 

Ma.37 - The Revelation of John 

Ma.38 - Dark Morning of the Soul 

Ma.39 - Universal Hall 

Ma.40 - Crippled Inside 

According to Matt 

Mt.1 - Portmento 

Mt.2 - Way of the World 

Mt.3 - Up on the Hill 

Fit the Forth - Back to the Old House 

Mt.5 - All Roads Lead to Koln 

Mt.6 - The Uncertainty Principle 

Mt.7 - Highway to Hell 

Mt 8 - Swallowed by the Sea 

Mt.9 - What gaineth a man...? 

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