My Soulmate is Justin Bieber?

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This is dedicated to sabiluvsya for making the trailer and the cover :)

Chapter One

Addie's POV

"Addie!" I heard a voice calling behind me. My best friend, Sage, crashed into me. She had the biggest grin on her face and is giggling uncontrollably. People who walk by us stare and start to whisper. Great, just what I need, more rumors. I stood up and pulled Sage up with me. She held up to tickets. "I WON!" She screamed in my face. "So my mom entered me into a contest and I won!"

"Jeez, Sage, you almost gave me a flippin' heart attack... What did you win?" I questioned. We started walking to her locker.

"Justin Bieber tickets and backstage passes! We are as close as we can get!" She screamed.

"Stop acting like a two year old, Sage. And wait back up, we?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, we! Obviously we are going to go together." She said subtly saying that we were losers with no friends.

"Oh no. There is no way that I'm going to some concert to see a gay boy who hasn't reached puberty yet." Sage frowned at this. And then she gave me the look I couldn't resist. She moved her blonde ccurls over her face and looked up at me with innocent brown eyes. Her bottom lip was pushed out slightly. "No!" Her eyes got wider. "Ugh! Fine. But don't expect me to love every second of it."

Sage squeeled and jumped up and down clapping her hands. "I'll keep everything for now, the concert is Friday." Tomorrow! That's nuts. She smiled and we ran to my red convertible that, thankfully had the hood down because it had started to rain.

"Addie!" Sage complained as I rounded the turn to go home. "We can't go home! We have to go shopping! Oh and we are ditching tomorrow because I don't feel like going." I rolled my eyes. I really didn't care what we did. I turned around to go to the mall.

Sage pulled me in a store. "Ok, so we need to give you a look. Hmmm. How about: I'm sexy and mysterious?" I shook my head. "Superfan and cute? Nah. That's gonna be me. I already made a home made shirt! Ok, back on topic. Ummm, flirty and mellow?"

I groaned and wandered off, leaving Sage mumbling to herself. I found a pair of ripped and faded jean shorts that would match my black wedges perfectly,and brought it back to where Sage was still standing, brainstorming my look. I left again before she questioned what I was doing. I looked through the shirts until I found what I wanted: it was a loose, soft black shirth that was ripped in the front. I would need to find a shirt to put underneath. I joined Sage again who was looking through neon tanks. I held up the outfit that I put together. She nodded approveingly. "Badass?" She asked.

My Soulmate is Justin Bieber?Where stories live. Discover now