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Authors note:sorry for the picture in the middle they didn't have the picture at there so I put one there. And enjoy this is also my own first story so please be gentle on the comments
PS:this chapter is not done so you can breathe a little bit but I'm gonna work on it some more

•New York

•Tokyo •Singapore•Toronto•Dubal •New York •London

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• Hong Kong

We were hit first, fast, and quietly. No one saw it coming. The virus first spread through animals, but then it spread to humans. People started dropping like flies. We didn't even have funerals anymore. We just had too burn them. There were 7.28 billion people on this planet. Now I feel like I'm the only one left.

"Ash, please sing me a song I can't sleep."
"Sure what song?" I said staring at her big blue eyes. If only my eyes were as innocent and blissful as hers.
"The one that mom used to sings a lot." The mention of Mom made my heart sink, but I couldn't let her see that, we were already depressed enough. She sat there staring at me with  sad eyes. I knew she could feel her heart break too. "Okay come here." I said. She crawled over to me and laid her head on my lap, and I started singing.

  Let's go in the garden
You'll find something waiting
Right there where you left it
Lying upside down

When you finally find it
You'll see how it's faded
The underside is lighter
When you turn it around

Everything stays
Right where you left it

Everything stays
But it still changes
Ever so slightly
Daily and nightly
In little ways
When everything stays

  I stopped singing and looked down at my little sister, she was looking at me with those big innocent eyes again. I pulled the blanket over as she cuddled up next to me. I smiled down at her. "I miss mom and dad."She mumbled softly. I looked back down at her.
  "Yeah I know I miss them too." I said it with saddness drenched in my deep voice. "Get some sleep AJ we have a lot to do tomorrow." I said as I begin to close my eyes.
   Old memories filled my mind. The good ones sent happiness to my heart. But slowly the memories faded into dark and sad ones. The only thing was I was trapped in the bad I could t get out. That's because these memories were from the present. They weren't far off. The were staring me in the face and reminding me of what had happened. Why and how did we survive?

Edited by antipiler
  Thanks for helping me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2017 ⏰

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