Chapter 1

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Finally, summer. I had waited all year for this moment. My friends and I walked out of Nicholas Richards High School.
"So Abby, what are your plans for the summer?" My friend Ellie asked.
"Oh ya know, the usual." I winked at her. Vacation, shopping, volunteering at the animal shelter (I have loved animals ever since I was a kid), hanging out with my boyfriend Max, and other fun stuff. We walked to the parking lot and I unlocked my red Prius.
"Where are we going?" My friend Carly asked.
"The mall, we deserve a treat for getting straight A's, no detentions of any matter, and.... NO DRAMA!!!!!" I say in excitement as the others cheer along. We sang along to Meghan Trainor as I drove to West Creek Mall. We all got out and went inside. We shopped for a little bit, and I got a couple cute summer tops and some high waisted shorts. After we got done shopping, we went to Starbucks for drinks and lunch. After we were done I dropped the girls off at their houses and I drove home. I got home and I was greeted by my two dogs, Roofus and Biddy. I went into the living room to find my parents, sitting on the cough.
"Hi Mom, Hi Dad!" I greeted them as I gave them hugs.
"Hey Abs, we need to talk." My Dad said.
"Um, okay??" I said suspiciously.
"Well Abby, we decided that you are becoming a little...spoiled. We want you to have six weeks of no technology, no mall, no boyfriend, nothing like that.
"What do you mean!!! It's summer!!" I say angrily.
"Well Abby, we've decided..." He says.
"What??!!" I scream.
"We've decided to send you to summer camp, for six weeks."

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