Chapter 10

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Thank you to ungerlover for Rebecca Kelly! I've loved this character since Wedding Rule 😜 PS: miss you pal!

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #260 in Chick Lit


© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

The Buddies Rule

Chapter 10


One thing that I think about all too often, is my past. Not just my own past, but everyone else's. Every action that we've taken, every option that we've turned down, and every person that has come into our lives, have shaped into who we are today. If we were to make one different move, one little mistake along the way, we wouldn't be the same people we are today.

It's those kinds of thoughts that float into my mind at times like these. Whenever I don't have Chase by my side, I tend to think the worst. I tend to remind myself of how different my life would be without Chase. It's not only the good that he's brought into my life, but the bad too. Anything that he's added to our relationship, is something that I will never be ready to live without.

That being said, I'm now living in a world without Chase.

Indirectly losing my best friend of almost fifteen years has taken its toll. The hardest part of this whole thing, and definitely the weirdest part, has been the fact that he's still here. It's not like he's gone forever. Chase has just taken himself out of my life, and I don't know how to get him back.

"Bree?" A voice called from across the quad. I could feel my chest tighten with the familiar ring of that voice. It was the very voice that used to bring me comfort, that now brought me sheer anxiety.

I spun around, my sight settling quickly on my best friend. "Hey, Chase," I sighed. The last place I thought I would run into Chase at this hour, would have been the Berkeley campus. Especially considering how early his classes were supposed to end today, and yet, this is the one place that I found him.

"What are you doing here?" Chase asked as he made his way over to me. "I thought your classes ended at twelve today."

"They did, but Lewis wanted me to meet him at the auditorium at four," I brushed off. I crossed my arms over my chest before narrowing my eyes on the paper in Chase's hands. The small, crumpled up and lined piece of paper had a number written out on it. But it wasn't the number that caught my attention, it was the name. "Who's Rebecca?"

Chase's body stiffened with my words, the mere sentence sent him onto the defense. "Rebecca Kelly. A girl that I met at lunch. She wanted to meet up tomorrow morning to show me some photos she had taken." Chase issued as a gentle red color quickly covered his cheeks. "It's really nothing."

Nothing? Sure. If it was nothing, then he would have just met her. Chase had known Rebecca since the year before. He'd barely known her, but still. "It doesn't sound like nothing," I laughed. "Why don't you want to tell me about her?"

"Maybe because you won't tell me one thing about Zac or Alan," he hissed without warning. I pursed my lips together to refrain from snapping back at him. We'd already gotten into one fight within the last twenty-four hours. I didn't want another in the center of campus.

"So this is a date, then? If you're willing to compare her to Zac."

"And Alan," Chase mused with a smirk. "You didn't even flinch when I mentioned his name along with Zac's."

The Buddies Rule | ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora