So Do You Know Me?

14 1 5

Probably not... BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Well, here are a few odd and interesting things about me... I was tagged by awesomeATC  btw... So go check her stuff out too

1. The Mountains are my bride. Sorry ladies ;) Love them more than anything. I also rather like the stars...

2. I'm a nerd. I like anything science fiction and fantasy. Doctor Who? Yes. Star Wars? Yes.

3. I'm a hardcore gamer. My favourite game is Halo 5!!! 1v1 me!!!

4. Recognize my pfp? It's the Marionette mask from FNAF. My spirit animal is Marionette... So it's pretty spoopy

5. I have one younger sibling who is classified as psychotic

6. I have a talent for replicating voices and accents. For example, British, Russian, and German. I can do an assortment of others however...

7. I am actually incredible optimistic!!! And I am also very happy most all the time!

8. It's nearly impossible to get me angry or offended. There are only 3 people to date that can make me truly angry

9. I'm pretty laid back. I don't worry about anything or fret about stuff. It's great

10. I am actually pretty funny. Once you get to know me, I'll be able to make you laugh very quickly.

11. Everyone is my friend. Except evil people who are dumb. They're not fun.

12. I am a superhero called, "The Chicken-Nuggeted Man". Please, don't all line up for autographs that fast

13. 13 is an unlucky number. Let's just forget about this one.

And there we have it! All done! Now to tag people!! But...

I only know 2 people...


1. galaco_stardust

2. Moon_and_Night

What you must do:

Thirteen random questions about yourself!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2016 ⏰

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