Chapter 1

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"May, wake up! Your going to be late for school mija!", said Mrs. Luna. "I'm coming, I'm coming.", says May. Today was the first day of school for May Luna. She was finally a senior. After four years she has made it to the end. May got up quickly and ran to the restroom to get ready. May looks at herself in the mirror. "God, I look terrible like always...", she sighed. May had long brown hair, green big eyes, and nice skin. She always considered herself in the state of always being ugly, never pretty. As May took one last look in the mirror, she prepared herself for the day. Just as May got dressed, she looked at her phone and a small smile creeped upon her lips. She saw that her best friend, Taylor, texted her. She has been in love with Taylor since the beginning of 9th grade, but she knew if she said something he would leave. Well, at least that's what she thinks. May quickly grabbed her phone and saw the message.

Taylor: Good morning :)
May: Morning good sir!! Xd
Taylor: Haha funny -_- lol anyways are you prepared for today!
May: Not really... just feels weird because it's our last year together... I'm going to miss you...

May wasn't lieing when she said she would miss him. To her, Taylor was her other half. She would be empty without him. Her phone buzzed and it snapped her out of her thoughts.

Taylor: Hey, hey, hey. Don't worry, I'll see ya everyday. :) I'll see ya at school. Cya later potato!

May just stared at her phone. How dare he call me potato!! She thought. That's right. She is called the potato by her best friend. Ugh. I'm going to get him back. May ran downstairs to see her mother gone. She then sees a note near a glass of orange juice. She quickly grabs the note and reads it.

♡I had to go sweetie. I'm so sorry and remember I'll be back in a week or two. I love you! :*♡

May sighed. Going to be alone for awhile. May looked at the time. 7:30 it read. Great, May thought. May went outside when she saw a new guy moving in next door. A new neighbor? Pretty cool, I guess. She hopped into her car and started to drive to her new and last year of high school.

Total Words: 404
Hewo!! So this is my new book as you can tell. This chapter was pretty short considering tht it was the first chapter. Anywhoo~ Thank you for reading and please leave comments on how I'm doing and if it is good. Also, if you want to be part of Blurred Love, you can message me your name and details about yourself and how you think you can be involved. Once again, THANK YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE.☺

Peace Out,
~La Ballena🐳

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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