A Chance

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There are so many chances we don't take

Several years ago, when he gave you that ring

When that one guy winked at you in that bar

That day your teacher said you were great

Every chance is followed by doubt, doubts we come up with

My mom's wedding ended in divorce and betrayal

What if I'm not pretty enough?

If I screw up, will I have anything left?

Every door opens once...we shut them and run

He loved you...but you were scared

He wanted you...but you were nervous

They had confidence in you...but you didn't

It's an endless cycle, fueled by human insecurities

What if I'm not good enough for him?

I'm not a gorgeous young dream anymore...

What if it was just a one time wonder?

Just this once, think of it differently

He chose YOU, not someone else, the ring was yours

Out of those teeny-boppers he saw your beauty

They knew you'd shine, a diamond in the ruff

So give yourself a chance, and open the door again

Next time, kiss him, say yes, and put on that diamond

Next time, let him buy you a drink, and give him a taste of your lip gloss

Next time, say thank you, and keep working hard

After all, we all deserve a second chance, right? Time to claim yours. Take it.

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