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Why does Society bring you up...Just to put you back down again.

Its like being smacked across the face with a bunch of books.

Or being tackled by three football players.

Society killed her.

Killed who?

The girl with the long soft curls

What? How?

It brought her up, but then shot her with her only weekness...Depression.

She weaped and weaped until her eyes could no longer bring out water.

She layed down on the hard floor and told her self to give up.

Her heart had heard her cries and pleading and gave up.

Instead of her breathing, she stopped.

Instead of her living, She stopped.

The whole world weaped in silence

The sky went dark, and no one spoke a word that day.

The earth cried silently, as one of the most unique creations had died.

Her laugh could no longer be heard by her loved ones, nor her voice.

Everything Just Went Dead, as if the whole world had died with her.

She had once brought joy to those who needed it, but now she could no longer even smile.

Her mother screamed in sorrow, begging god to bring her back to life.

But he didnt want to, he wanted her to bring joy to those in heaven.

Her favorite daughter, now gone with the rest of the dead.

She looked down at her dead body and smiled.

I'm free. She whispers.

For some reason, everyone she had ever loved had heard it.

That girl, the girl with the soft curls, turns away and walks into the bright light.

She always knew she was going to heaven.

For she did nothing wrong.

She looked back one more time and smiled at the world one more time before entering the light.

"im free, forever,

Society has killed me,

the girl with the soft curls.

Smile, world, your beautiful."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2011 ⏰

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