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Verse 1:
The coldness of your heart
Melt by the fire of loneliness
Ice turn to water
And the water was boil
And turn into smoke

That becomes cloud
That's covered the sky
And becomes the rain
That washed the pain

But can the rain extinct the fire?
The fire that never dies
They try to collide the two worlds
But they can't reach each other

Verse 2:
They take an aoth
That they never forget each other
As the memories fades
You will forget the emotions but not feelings
(Repeat pre-chorus and chorus)

Verse 3:
You're  my rain that keeps my heart calm
You're my sky that accepts who is really me
You're my cloud that let me walk freely
You're my sun that shine through out the darkness
(Repeat chorus)

You're my thunder and my strom that never rest protect my feelings
And you're my mist that hides me from the pain
(Repeat pre-chorus )
(Repeat chorus 2x)
Except Last line
Outro :
But can't reach each other arm

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2017 ⏰

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