I - Oblivion

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Three dashes (---) indicate a time skip. Time skips can be forward or backward, but the will most likely be forward. Nine dashes (---------) indicate a POV change. Nine dashes surrounded by three dashes (--- --------- ---) indicate a time skip and a POV change.

Episode I - Oblivion

I was born with a... special condition, to say the least.

No, I didn't have to go through any traumatic experience to get it, or anything. It was merely genetic. My mother informed my father of her condition shortly after I was born and they discovered it had been passed on to me.

My fur was unusually thin for a Buizel's, and my skin absorbed sunlight at a much faster rate than the others in my pack. As a result, I had to keep my body hydrated at almost all times, and I could only poke my head out of the ocean for a while; an hour, I'd say. I wouldn't want to end up looking like some piece of seaweed that had been left out in the sun for too long.

I grew up very timid and introverted, due to my mother leaving the pack while I was young, as well as other things. While all the other young Buizel played on the beach, I would stay looking up at the sky through a mesmerizing sea or exploring the seafloor for strange artifacts that had been left or dropped. Although it was very hard to get time to myself, seeing as the members of my pack either bullied me or coddled me almost nonstop, I tried to enjoy the time I had to the fullest. During my excursions I became aware of many places that the other Buizel and Floatzel had no idea existed, which was a shame. They were so beautiful... Visiting them as often as I could became a priority for me, my way of getting away from everything.

"Ha! Beat you again, Briny!"

"Well, Wave, I'll have you know that it's not my fault that you're more experienced than me!" Briny responded heatedly to the older male. "If you're so good, how about you try to beat Azul over there, hmm?"

I looked over to where my name was called; there were Briny and Wave having a silly argument over Aqua Jet Racing again. I sighed, knowing that one of them had probably told the other to challenge me for the millionth time. They were bitter, bitter rivals, but everyone in the pack except them knew that they both had crushes on one another but were too scared to admit it.

"Fine!" Wave yelled back. "Hey, Azul! Come over here and-"

"I'll race with you," I said, already drifting over. The young ones got quiet and turned toward us with widened eyes, practically glowing in the thought of another race, especially between the two best young racers in the pack. "Where's the starting point?"

Wave was dragging me over to some rocky outcroppings before he said, "C'mere, it's by these rocks. You better try your best, I'll be doing mine!"

I refrained from rolling my eyes at his enthusiasm and naïvety. Easily beating him would be an understatement if I actually tried. Spending most of my life underwater had trained me into one of the most skilled swimmers and divers of the whole pack, including the Floatzel. "Alright, I will," I lied halfheartedly when we got there.

"Take your positions!" Another Buizel said, being the judge of the "tournament." I swam beside Wave, whose tails were already twitching in anticipation. My eyes lazily drifted to the finish line, where the other Buizel were hovering by. Most of them were cheering for Wave, the loudest being Briny who had taken up a large blush upon her face. When the judge noticed that we had our moves ready, she exclaimed, "3, 2, 1... GO!"

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