Terrible Things

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Chapter One:

   My mother died when I was merely four years old. She was murdered by a gang member when she was coming home late from a club. My father hasn't been sober since and my sister, Victoria, is a drug addict. Most people would complain about their parents not letting them do anything. As for me? I wish I had no freedom whatsoever. No one is there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on. I have no friends because I don't trust anyone. I have major trust issues, so I have learned to bottle up my emotions. I have never thought of suicide, but hey, who knows? You know, the only thing that I would need to get me to be normal with no problems? Love. To be loved is all I have ever wanted and wished for. Let's be honest, we all know what we wish for never comes true, but you might as well try.


   On the cold, winter evening, with snow falling everywhere, Gina Greyson sat on the swing with tears rolling down her face. 'Stop it, Gina, you'll never have your wish come true. Might as well give up. Screw all the parents that tell their kids to never give up. It's a bunch of bullshit!' She thought furiously. Gina got up and walked over to the park bench. She pulled her knees up to her chin and tried to stifle her cry. She soon started gasping for air, as if she hadn't been breathing for a few minutes, when someone from her school came into sight. Just as she got up to leave, a boy named Lukas, called her.

   "Hey, wait, Gina!"

   She froze, waiting for him to tell or ask her what he wanted to. "Are you stalking me? I mean, no one comes to this side of town, so why would you?" she asked. 

   "Well, no. I saw your car. And I was going to my Aunt Kristi's house,"

   "She lives all the way down here?" 

   "Yup. So why is a pretty girl crying?" he asked, curiously.

   Gina wiped the freshest tears from her face. "I wasn't crying. Well, I was. But it was from the wind. It's harsh out here," she stated.

   "Yeah, it is. But why wouldn't you get in your car to go home?" Lukas asked.

   "Home," Gina said, not as a question, but more of a statement. "I don't have a 'home', I have a place where I sleep and eat. I don't have a 'home' though," Gina had no emotion in her eyes, or on her face.

   "Everyone has a ho--" he began when he was interrupted.

   "Not me!" Gina said fiercely.

   "Why do you say that?"

   "Because. The place I live in isn't a home. It's temporary, until next month, when I turn 18."  With that, Gina got up and walked to her car. "Goodbye, Lukas."

   Lukas tensed up. "What's that supposed to mean?" he thought.

     Lukas was tense and thinking what it could mean on the whole way to his aunt's house. "Will she kill herself? Will she move to Australia?" The possibilities of what she could have meant were killing him.

     As soon as his aunt's house got into view, he turned his car off and ran into the house.

   "Aunt Kristi? Can I sleep here?"

   "Sure thing, sweets," Aunt Kristi responded.

   She had her dark brown hair into a pony tail. Her hair was a little bit longer, than shoulder length. But instead of being poker straight, she had soft waves throught out her hair. She had tan skin naturally and she had high cheek bones. She wasn't boney, but she wasn't fat. She was very beautiful. In all honesty, she looked 18.

   She could tell something was wrong with her oldest nephew, "Wanna talk about it, hon?"

   "Not now. Maybe tomorrow. Love you. Goodnight."

   "Just remember I'm always here for you," she pulled him in for a hug, "I love you too, goodnight."

Flash Back

    Lukas walked into the classroom and sat on the floor with everyone else. He sat right infront of Gina, and stared into her beautiful chocolate eyes. He started making her laugh by doing anything stupid. It was obvious that he had a crush on her, to everyone. Well except her. She never told anyone, but she also had a crush on him. But being obvlivious 13 year olds, they never knew. 

End of Flash Back

   The smell of bacon and eggs woke Lukas up from his flashback. He was sweating. He had to see Gina. ASAP. He pulled on a fresh shirt and jeans. "Bye Aunt Kristi! I'll be back later!" With that, he had his jacket on and he was running to his car.

     Something was wrong with Gina. He didn't know what it was, but he was going to find out, sooner or later. Hopefully sooner. He could litterally feel Gina hurting. He rushed to her house. And what he saw there, would scar him forever.

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