Luke Kaitos and Crystals OZ

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walled up alive. To avoid this severe punishment, he promised to create in a single night, a book that would glorify the monastery forever and that would include all human knowledge. Near midnight, he was sure he could not complete this task alone and, therefore, made a special prayer, not addressed to God or some other Saint of lost causes, but banished to the cherubim, Satan, asking him to to help him finish the book in exchange for his soul. The monk sold, so his soul to the devil. The cramunhão completed the manuscript of a monk and was added image of the devil as thanks for your help. Despite the legend, the codex was not forbidden by the Inquisition and is considered by many scholars and scientists throughout the ages, even disregarding the existence of God or the Devil in scientific circles, he remains a very valuable object of study. Dr. Clarke stares at the eyes of the devil in the figure drawn on a whole sheet on page 290 and has a terrifying vision, an omen that the deeply disturbing. He starts to mumble word fragments that are incomprehensible to his assistant that without understanding a word try to help somehow The boy is petrified and between anaction and . the total inertia is surprised more and more with the shape of the master switches of fear that a total figure for horror. "What happened, master?" He asks, with no apparent answer, only a few grunts are heard. The young apprentice opens a drawer next to the rack with test tubes, Bunsen burners, beakers, Erlenmeyer and all kinds of material in a chemical laboratory. Finally cut a syringe and take a bottle with a liquid mixture of haloperidol with lorazepam in the proportion of 1mg lorazepam to 5mg each of haloperidol and applies the Doctor. He is pale and shaken, realizes that something has been applied in the left arm and then rub it to ease the sting. Slowly begins to regain lucidity and remember that viewed the emergence of a new civilization and a complete extinction of a hologram that was projected in the book to the ceiling of the room forming an image that makes him very upset. In this hologram he saw the arrival of a beam of light shining in the night sky like a beam of gamma rays and its light encompassed the entire earth's surface. At that moment all the

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people, cars and objects, all on the planet that rises to the moment of a big explosion, throwing debris in outer space the Earth is consumed by this massive energy coming from the center of our galaxy. Retrieved Rave Doctor turned to his apprentice, and screamed: "We have to warn the General," he says, the moment that closes the book that is left behind. Immediately both leave the room and walk toward a corridor with hundreds of doors, this very long hallway leads them to a third door that leads to another hallway and that a large oval room with dozens of monitors that record 24 hours a day all security cameras in the world. No matter what part of the planet at this location there is a camera they will know where you are. At the entrance of the office of General are covered by two soldiers who stand guard at the site, Dr Clarke raises his left hand and finger waving to gore the soldiers immediately give passage. This symbol represents the union and the fulfillment of the reptilian agenda. The soldiers identified immediately and without hesitation let Dr. Clarke and his apprentice, Dylan have access to the General. The office door is ajar and they can see the general sitting at your desk between two rustic lighting fixtures that are above your head and enhance picture with a painting of a winged dragon. This dragon has apparently three feet tall and their fluffy white wings and has a wingspan of six meters assume Dr. Clark, it's really a beautiful picture if not for the terrifying figure he portrays. General wear the typical costumes and your chest is a lot of hours of war seem more a colorful mosaic, with a countenance of concern to the General sees as the two are not profiled front. Both heel and hit the waves again with his fingers as a sign of the horned salute to the general who returns with the same sign. "What do you want?"Asks the General grossly evident with a German accent while trimming a cigar cutter with metal. The young boy imagines his finger in place of the cigar while he is cut and dry

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