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************************* Max George

Max groaned as his alarm went off, pulling him from a very happy place deep in his dreams. He rolled over and slammed his hand down on the clock. His roommate, some nerdy sophomore named Michael, was already wide awake dressed and on his way out the door. Why, as a senior, he got stuck with a sophomore he'll never know. honestly at this point he didn't care any more. he barely cared about anything. max closed his eyes and sighed. he wasn't ready for today. he had three classes and then soccer practice afterwards. soccer was their schools main sport and he was excellent at it. he was a pretty well know guy around campus for his skills on the field.

He pulled the cover back over his head, not ready for the pressure or the people. it felt like he was almost asleep again when his alarm went off a second time telling him ten minutes had gone by. of course, he'd be late to class again. Max flung the covers to his left and swung his legs over the side of the bed. its not like his professor would be surprised this was an everyday occurrence. he checked his phone before heading to take a quick shower. once he got out he glance at the clock. yeah this was about the normal time for him. he even amazed himself when he passed all his classes. he threw on some clothes and grabbed his bag before heading out.

Rain was falling, like it always did here. he pulled the hood of his hoodie over his head and slipped in his headphones drowning out the rest of the world. that's all he ever seemed to do now, drown out everything and spend his days alone and he knew the reason why. he felt empty with out her. Max had this big plan to propose to his girlfriend of the last three years on Christmas morning. but then he caught her cheating on him with this random guy on Christmas eve. now it was mid January and he could still feel the effects of the break up. the pain was still fresh. everywhere he looked he was reminded of her. that's why he slept in and turned the volume on his music. his dreams were far better than his reality.  in his dreams he still held her tight. he could still feel her warm skin against his and hear her soft voice as she whispered things in his ear. he would still be able to run his fingers through her blond hair. when he dreamt of her it was always the happy moments. then that damn alarm clock had to take her away from him again every morning.

he reluctantly pushed open the door to his first class which was nearly over now. he took his normal seat in the back of the class near the door completely unnoticed by everyone. Pulling his hood more over his face he slouched down in his seat and didn't even bother taking out his head phones.

*********************the night before************************************* Tom Parker

"Another shot!" Tom called to the bartender. the party was pumping and adrenaline filled his veins.

"That has to be a record. Even for you Tom." the bartender replied hesitating to pour him another round. Tom laughed and glanced around him. the music was loud and the vibrations from the bass hit him hard in the chest. he set down his shot glass and wondered to the dance floor grabbing a beer before he went. his brother Lewis met him out there and took his beer from him.

"You know you cant dance when youre sober and right now im sure youre drunk out of your mind. So what do you think youre doing?" Tom looked around at all the dancing people.

"I really have no clue." he slurred and then laughed.

"Don't you have class in the a.m.? Time to go home buddy." Lewis said paying Toms bar tab, then leading him out of the club. All Tom did was laugh. he hadn't even gotten laid or picked up a single chick for that matter. what a waste of a good night. now he'd have a hangover and he'd have to suffer through class with it, like always. "Ok let me give you some brotherly advise. Chocolate milk before bed takes away the hangover in the morning." Lewis said helping Tom into a near by cab. "Don't forget the chocolate milk Thomas!" he shut the door while Tom just laughed.

When Tom got back to his dorm his roommate was already sound asleep. tom threw off his shirt and shoes then climbed into bed. his head was pounding and he welcomed the silence of his dark room. At the time drinking until he couldn't see straight seemed like the best idea in the world. but who was he kidding. he went to that bar hoping to find a girl but that barely ever happened. he would never be the type of guy that was constantly bringing home women, they couldn't handle his personality. that would take a special kind of woman that probably didn't exist.

In what seemed like only minutes his alarm was going off. "Fuck! Shut up!" he said knocking the clock off the bedside table onto the floor. Then his stomach started turning and his head started screaming. "Shit!" he ran into the bathroom and vomited until there was nothing left. he'd partied way to hard last night and he'd forgotten what his brother had told him.

"Another wild party?" his roommate Josh asked.

"Yeah but its not like I wont do it again. this isn't my first hangover and im sure it wont be my last."

"Of course you'll do it again. you wouldn't be Thomas Anthony Parker if you didn't." Josh said turning away and walking out the front door. Tom sighed. Josh was that golden boy. The one everyone rooted for. they all wanted him to succeed and threw opportunities at him. He never had to work for anything in his life. Tom had to work way to hard just to get a fourth of what Josh had. but then again things like that sometimes just came down to your background and that was a topic Tom would rather avoid. There was a reason the man tried to stay drunk. there were things he'd rather not remember. The only reason Tom agreed to come to college was because Lewis offered to pay his way. he pulled himself up off the floor and cleaned up then went to class. it was just another boring day.

*********************************** Jay McGuiness

"5, 6, 7, 8." the instructor called. Jay rolled his eyes. he honestly didn't know why he was still in this dance class. he didn't like it anymore.

"Come on James its like you're not even trying at all!" the instructor yelled.

"Well im not." he mumbled trying to keep up with her.  The girl beside Jay, Maria, just laughed. They'd known each other since freshman year and now as seniors they felt like siblings. Well they kind of were. Jay's twin brother Tommy had been dating Maria for a while and the two were getting married after graduation.

"Just drop the class Jay." she said to him

"And take a F? that sounds like a brilliant idea."

"You'll take a F anyway because you dont put any effort into anything anymore."

"Fine I'll quit then." he said grabbing his bag and walking out of the class. honestly as soon as he left he flet like it was a great relief. he walked over to the court yard and just sat there for a while. he slipped out of his dancing shoes and put on his normal shoes. his mom would be disappointed. Dance was the only thing he seemed to be good at. Sports was Tommy's thing and academics went to his sister.  now he had no idea what he'd do. Dance was his major so he'd have to find a new one. he ran his fingers through his curly hair and thought about how he'd tell his mother.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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