I'm in Love with You (Part two of Bad to me) ON HOLD

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If you ever leave me, I'll be sad and blue. Don't you ever leave me, I'm so in love with you.

I rolled my stockings over my legs and smiled. 

It was always great hearing the boys on the radio. Too bad I never heard from them anymore. Not since the whole incident with George almost a year ago. 

Birds in the sky would be, sad and lonely if they knew that I lost my, one and only, if your bad to me.

Thinking of the George Incident caused me to roll my eyes and switch off the radio. I didn't want to think about George right now.

"Hey Ruth! You got a extra pair of stockings?" Shirley asked. 

"Don't you have any?"  I asked. Shirley stumbled into my room (after tripping over her own feet) and held up her stockings. Little teeth marks had made their way into the sheer material.

"Did that bloody cat eat your stockings again?!" I asked. There was a bit of annoyance in my tone.

Shirley was one of my flatmates, and good friends. She had a heart of gold, but that damn cat of hers had to be the most destructive feline in world history. 

We had gone through three sets of curtains, eight pairs of stockings, two pillows, six plates, and one lamp.

And that was just in the past month. 

"Oh don't be mean to him!" she cried defensively "And I'll pay Jill back ASAP! I swear!" 

"Why do I hear my name?" Jill called from the kitchen. I poked my head around the doorway.

"Sasha ate your stockings." I stated. Jill rolled her eyes and continued to butter her toast. I handed Shirley my extra pair, and returned to getting ready. 

So much had changed in the past year. I had good friends, a good job, and I was taking classes at a community college (like hell I'd ever be able to afford university)

Everything turned for the better after…

Well after. Y'know. George. 

My stomach churned a bit, causing me to quickly push George out of my mind. 

Anyhow, I was working at the BBC radio, working as: in short form, an assistants assistant. 

But I was working towards becoming a DJ or programme director someday.

But then again, women would have to be looked at as something more then sex objects, and child making machines. 

"So whats the plan tonight." Shirley asked as we walked down the steps to the tube. 

"No clue." I said. 

"Well, I kinda had a idea." Jill said. We looked at her. "I know this club, I went there with Mark once." she gave us a look that asked for permission to carry on. 

Jill had this boyfriend, Mark, who was… well he was all fine and dandy, if you don't my egotistical bastards who are overpowering and demanding. 

Shirley and I detested him, but we let her continue. (After all, if Mark- the highly upper class socialite had taken Jill to a club, it had to have been the dullest place on earth)

"There's some band playing there, I've heard their pretty good. You two up to it?" she asked. I looked at Shirley, who shrugged and nodded. 

"I don't see why not!" she exclaimed. 

"Alright then. It's settled then! I'll see you two later!" I said. They waved goodbye, and walked towards the northbound trains, as I walked in the opposite direction. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2014 ⏰

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I'm in Love with You (Part two of Bad to me) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now