Chapter 1- The Story Of My Life

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Hi guys! The name is Allison Lycan the rightful Alpha of the Bleeding Moon Pack I'm 18 a senior at Farren High and I have dark brown hair and hazel eyes, which I get from my dad. My family consists of my mother and father and my younger brother Troy who is 17 years old and annoying. Cool right? nope! Because he's always so full of it. My beta is my best friend also known as my sister from a different mister. Sydney and I go way way back since like the bottles and diapers. My mom and her mom have always been friends. My other best friend is third in command she is out there if you ask me and she holds her own, she's Caitlin ladies and gentlemen. We all three have been together since Pre-K. My wolfs name is Taylor and I'm a rare white wolf. I have powers such as I can control elements, heal another person and, the basic werewolf powers. I had to control the powers I have now, I hope there is no more because it took a looong time learn how to use the elements. The only people who know about this are my family, beta, and third or gamma some people call the position. It's a good thing hunters died out because I would've been hunted down. They stopped because eventually they realized we're no harm to humans so they just didn't pay us any attention anymore. But some rouges know about me and what I can do but don't know what I look like or what my name is.

On a regular basis I'm a total sweet and silly girl however, I'm an alpha so when I'm around my pack I have to be hard on them, when it comes to business of course but I'm all the same at our gatherings. Let me explain the world of werewolves before you become to know my friends, me, and mate. We're not the type of you see in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans we actually stand on four legs but are way bigger than an regular wolf. So basically we're lucky humans did'nt believe it when Taylor Lautner and some of the rest of that pack turned into a werewolves on a movie, almost exposing our secret. We were all on the edge of our seats waiting to see how the humans would react. There's wolves that aren't in a pack there are only two types a lone wolf and a rouge. You see, a lone wolf is way different than a rouge. Rouges are the mad wolves who  kill and harm packs and lone wolves for their own sick twisted pleasure. But, lone wolves are by their selves and have a reason to be that way hence the word lone. Another difference is a pack member has a tatoo like the tatoo or mark my pack is a moon that is broken and has blood oozing from it. A rouges scent put it kindly death.

In a pack there's an Alpha the leader who controls every movement of the pack, which is me. Then there"s a Beta he/she becomes an alpha when the first one dies if there's no heir to it they assist the alpha in pack business and give helpful advice. Last but not least in a pack is the third in command is an extra pair of eyes to watch out for the pack he/she helps them with moving houses, barbecues etc. .Those are the main ones but of course after them you have the normal pack members. The most important part though is a mate who loves and cares for you constantly with no hesitation. A mate stays devoted to their mate. Nothing and I mean nothing can break their bond. If a mate gets rejected they both die eventually from a broken heart because when your mate hurts your hurt, sadly that's the down fall of having a mate. But enough said lets start this show shall we.



School is the worst task of the day especially since this is a new school but on the bright side its my senior year. I cant help but do a little happy dance just thinking about ending school once and for all. Anyhow so I get in the shower and brush my teeth and throw warm water over my face. Then take a steamy shower to relax my cramped muscles because of the long border patroling I did with my beta and gamma last night. Afterwards I get dressed in my denium high wasted shorts that have the white pockets peeking out from the bottom and my grey keep calm and BAZINGA! my favorite shirt on and then my black combat boots and my cropped leather jacket. afterwards, I put on lip gloss and look in the mirror and put my hair up into a messy bun. What can I say I like the natural look?

 "Damn you look-in fine today girl" I say in a ghetto voice  making myself chuckle at my idiotic voice. Then I grab my iPod and phone with ocean blue case on it resembling the ocean.

"When the sun dies"

"And the stars fade from view our love will remain real and true"

"through the distant and the depth of space our love will remain real an-"

My phone blared my favorite song future real and true THE BEST SONG EVER!! "Hey! Syd im on my way" I stated she always rushes me but I love her." Okay but hurry I miss ya girl!" she said happier then you should be at 7:45am. in the morning.OH SH!T I'm LATE!!!!! on the first day to Ally what is going on with you?

Once downstairs I grab a yogurt eating fast so I won't be late to school and get into my black Transtar Dagger GT-SS and yes it is the fastest car in the world music starts playing as soon as the engine purrs to life  "Why am mad I? I don't get it seems like every time you give me signs and I miss it. I did it again I admit it I left you standing there and now I regret it..........." . I arrive at school its massive the building had brick walls going on for miles but there were two buildings on either side of it. One was glass which was obviously a green house due to all of the plants inside, the other was stone just by observing it I couln't tell what it was but I'll figure it out  later. I look to my left and see a blue Buggati Veyron. UUGGHH!! My brothers already here I thought we were going to do this together! He is so getting it later for telling lies like that!

 I find some parking spot and gracefully climb out. Walking through the parking lot I notice all the typical cliques cheerleaders, jocks, players, nerds, emos, weirdos, and my group the really cool awesome kickass people. I past by the jocks and get a bunch of things like "Hey babe how about you and me after school!" "Sexy Lady !" or "Can I get your digits !" and the one and only "Are you from Tennessee? because your the only Ten I See !". Wow really.  I got glares from the  cheerleaders and sluts dressed in see through shirts and skirts that go a little passed their butt checks. I growl really loudly making them lower their heads in submission well except the other pack and humans. The reason why there is another pack in school is because it is sadly neutral territ. This is going to be a long day. Once I step foot in the dull colored and plastic looking office the bell rings signaling first hour has started. Bye Bye lame ass first hour. I approach the secretary and even the human eye can see that she stiffened " Hey! My name is Allison Lycan the coolest person ever, so cool that I forgot to pick up my schedule before! " I said enthusiastically she studies me for a second and then says " Hello sweetie my name is Jude I"ll get your things together and you can go to second period OK?" "K" I replied still in my 'good mood'.

She gives me my things which include a map, my locker number, and schedule. Exiting the office the halls start filling up. I turn and look down at my schedule and it reads-

1. English AP : Mrs. McGee

2. Math : Mr. Cravetts


4. Science AP : Ms. Tate

5. Study Hall

6. Gym: Mr. Yonders

7. History AP : Mrs. Neves

Then suddenly the bell rung for 2nd hour to begin and everyone filled the halls. A fiery red head with blue eyes came up to me. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??!. " she yelled with a raised eyebrow " I woke up late and had to eat breakfast duh.. " I said she looked at me oddly then simply stated "OK but don't do it again got it?"was a very pretty girl and her name fit her perfectly. "Yea whatever." I said not listening she shook her head making her curls bounce back and forth and then snatched my scheduale out of my hand "Cool! we have some classes together." and then she practically dragged me to second period. I know for a fact she made some of our classes the same on purpose just so she can TRY to make me focus in class but little did she know I mastered the art of sleeping with my eyes OPEN Muhahahaha!!!

My first story oon wattpad so bare with me please ill update as soon as i get the chances . oh and ill edit random places so yeah and this book is not to be copied or else and this is pg13. Comment and tell me some ideas on improvement. The song for this chapter is .....

One DIrection - Story of My Life



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