for Him

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For Him

We worship for Him.

We serve for Him.

We believe for ourselves.

We have faith for Him to save ourselves.

We volunteer for Him.

We donate for Him.

You judge.

You discriminate.

You hate.

You attack.

But don't tell me for a second that that's for Him.

Don't tell me that you read "Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve" but seemed to skip over "love thy neighbor."

Don't tell me you're hating for Him.

Don't tell me you're discriminating for Him.

Don't tell me you're attacking for Him.

Don't tell me that somehow this hatred comes from your heart.

Because others before you have done this.

Others have hid hate behind religion.

And we read about them in text books and shake our heads saying, "If I lived then, I'd never do that."

We read about them and wonder how they could do that.

We read and we debate and we question how anyone could be so blind.

But then one day you walk outside and see someone beaten, you see masses holding signs that spew hate, you read about a bill being passed.

And you get it.

You understand that the fight isn't over, it has only changed.

You understand that yesterday it was that minority, today it is this minority, and tomorrow it will be another minority.

You understand that people see what they want.

And they think what they want.

But don't tell me that they do it for Him.

Don't tell me for one damn second that that they are hating as service for someone who is so loving.

Because lying is a sin.

And you don't sin for Him.

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