Chapter 1

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"Ok Ellie, You know John?" My dad said as I was watching tv.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Well he is coming over with his son."

"Ok, what's his sons name?"


My eyes widened, could it be him?

"How o-" I was cut off as the door bell rang.

Dad went and opened the door. I stood up and followed him so I could welcome our guests. John was at the door and I could see someone getting something from the car. I shook John's hand.

"Mitch is just getting some wine from the car." John explained.

John and my father went off to get the tv ready for the game they were watching tonight. I went to check on the chicken I was cooking for dinner. I could hear talking from the lounge and then someone came into the kitchen.

"Excuse me," the boy started. I turn around and my jaw dropped, it was him. THE BajanCanadian was in MY house.

"Where can I put this?" He continued but then he noticed my reaction.

"Umm, is something wrong?"

I closed my mouth and mental slapped myself.

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that I know you from youtube. I have seen a few of your videos. They're pretty good." I replied with a smile. I lied a little bit there, I have watched almost all of his videos, just didn't want to seem creepy.

He smiled back. "So where can I out this?" Mitch asked again waving the bottle of wine around.

"Oh, just put it on the counter." I replied.

"While we are waiting would you like me to set the table?" Mitch asked with a handsome smile that could kill a girl by giving them a heart attack.

"No, no. You are a guest, I will set the table."

"But I insist." He bowed a little bit, being a gentleman.

"Well, since you insist I guess I will let you." I said with a laugh.

"First, where are the plates?" Mitch asked. I pointed to a hutch filled with plates. He laughed at his own stupidity and started setting the table.

Once he was pretty much done I said I would get the glasses. I walked over to draw the glasses were in. I was about to open the draw when I felt two arms go around my waist. I stiffened at the sudden contact with my skin.

"Let me, my lady." He whispered in my ear. He swiftly opened the draw and grabbed two glasses will still holding my waist with one arm. Mitch spun me around so I was facing him and now he could see me blushing.

"You're cute when you blush." He whispered making me blush harder. He just smirked.

"Is dinner nearly ready L?" My dad asked walking into the kitchen. Mitch removed his arm from my waist before anyone could see and start heading to the table to put the glasses down.

"Should be in a few minutes." I replied. Dad gave me the 'what the hell were you doing look.' I just waved it off and went to get the chicken out of the oven.

Once the table was set and the food was cooked, everyone sat down. My dad and John talked a lot and Mitch join in a bit too while I just happily ate my food. Chicken is my favourite.

"So, Ellie how is your last year of school?" John asked getting my attention.

"Pretty good. Can't wait for it to be over though." I replied.

"And are you going to university?" John said.

"I'm looking at a few in Brisbane."

"Do you think you will get an apartment there?"

"Hopefully, I going to try and get one with a friend."

"Well, Mitch didn't go to college or what you call uni. He start doing ... what is it called?"

"Youtube dad." Mitch sighed. I can see John probably wanted Mitch to go to college.

"Yeah, that." John stated.

"I'm doing pretty good dad. I'm doing some traveling with friends and I did get tickets to here, Australia." Mitch half argued, half sighed.

Dad and John started talk again about surfing and I finished up my meal.

"That was a lovely meal, thank you Ellie." My dad said when everyone was finished.

"It was great Ellie." John said. I just smiled, I don't really like get fussed over or talked about; don't like being the centre of attention.

Dad and John got up and put their dishes in the sink and went back to the lounge room.

"I will wash, you dry." Mitch said as he stood up.

"You really don't have to." I replied.

"Ellie, just let me help."

"Fine, fine."

Once we were finish I decided to go outside for some fresh air. After that one glass of wine I was felling faint. I can't believe my dad let me drink when I'm only 17.

"I'm going outside." I told Mitch.

"I will come too." He replied.

We went out the front and walked down the street. I shivered and Mitch put his jumper around me.

"Hey Ellie?" He said while stopping.

"Yes?" I replied.

"While I'm in OZ do you think we would be able to hang out a bit? I'm here for another 3 weeks." He asked nervously scratch the back of his neck.

I smiled. "I would love to." Mitch let out a breath he was holding in and I laughed.

"Also..." He said with a smirk as he got closer. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I felt myself blush. He lead in and kissed me. A spark went through my body and I kissed him back. The kiss was filled with passion and ... need? He pulled away. We took a few breathes.

"I have been wanting to do that all night." He whispered making me blush harder.

"We should get back." I stuttered and started walking back to my house. Mitch court up to me and put his arm around me. I rested my head on his shoulder.

When we got back John was getting his things.

"Ok Mitch we are going now."

We all said our goodbyes and Dad shut the front door.

"Time for bed young lady." He said.

I walked up stair, had a shower and brushed my teeth. I slid under the covers of my bed.

"Night sweet heart." Dad said from my doorway.

"Night." I replied.

As I lay my head down and closed my eyes; I started to dream of Mitch. I think I like him ... A lot.


I hope you like my new fan fic for you BajanCanadian fans out there. Please leave a comment saying if you like the story or not. I legit thought of the story today and wrote it till 11:30pm which is late when you had a plane ride yesterday. Ok, I'm going to go to bed now. Thanks for reading, Love you! ♡♡♡

On the side is Ellie!

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