Katie Zor-El

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Katie's POV

My name is Katie, and I am 17 years old. I am very mature for my age, I guess I had to be, as I grew up by myself for a lot of my life. I was raised in Star City, by my mum, Astra, when I said she raised me, I mean a nanny did. She went away a lot, and I got left with a nanny, but I love her. I am different from most people, to say it simply, I can fly, live through bullets, hear the impossible, my mum trained me to fight and control my powers the second we got here on earth.

I wasn't told much about my life on Krypton, my mum kept it all a secret, I remember that I used to live with this old women, and once every month a guard would take me to see my mother who lived on board Fort Rozz, I would talk to her for an hour and then get taken home again. But one time the trip ended differently, I was talking to my mum when I felt a sudden shock propel us forwards, it burst the glass between me and my mum and she ran and hugged me, whispering that it will all be okay. The guard panicked teleported my mum back to Fort Rozz, however I went with her by mistake.

The next thing I remember is crashing onto earth, everyone was running, my mum picked me up and we ran to. Far far way. She talked about a man called Non a lot, she would leave and say she would be with him but would be back soon. She always did come back quickly, a week it would take her, maximum being two weeks. However a month ago she left and never came back.

I was determined to find her though, I went through all of her stuff, and found out about a place called National City.

So that is how I got here.

I stared around me at the giant building, the Cat co one seemed the biggest of them all. That was my cover, I got a job as the new assistant to the Cat Grant, founder of Cat Co media.

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