Chapter 1

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Ok, so this is my first fanfic ever. Don't judge. I really wanted good smut, so I decided to write one. There is lots of fluff too. I'm a happy person.

"Hi, may I help you?" I asked without looking up from stacking records.

"Yea, do you have anything from The Rollingstones?" a deep voice asked. He had a British accent. Weird. You don't usually hear British accents in Seattle.

"We definitely do. Come with me." I said while looking up. He was beautiful. Sexy, with a hint of mystery. He had curly hair, that looked extremely soft, and leaf green eyes. He towered over my petite figure, but he didn't look overwhelming.

"Yea, alright... Addie?" He replied, snapping me out of my trance. I wondered how he knew my name, but then I remembered I had a nametag.

"That's me! What's your name?"

"Harry. How old are you? Sorry if that's weird, but you seem like an interesting person."

"Thanks. I'm 17,18 in January you?"

"18. You know, Addie, I really like coffee. Would you like to get some with me anytime?"

We stopped at the shelf where the records he wanted were. "Sure. Actually, my shift is over in 15 minutes, if you'd want to wait a bit."

"Yea, yea, of course." He said with an adorable smirk.

"Great! I'll meet you at the entrance in 20?" I was smiling really wide. He was the cutest thing I'd ever seen.

I went back to stacking records, stealing glances at Harry every minute. He held a lingering stare, and whenever our eyes met, he blushed and smiled. My heart was racing. Every since Jacob, I hadn't gone out with anyone.


"Don't you dare. Jacob, I'm begging you. Get away from me."

When I met Jacob, it was love at first sight. He was cute, nice, funny, and witty. But after a month or so of dating, he dropped the nice act. He kept pressuring me into sex, he would smoke, drink, everything. He would hit me whenever I didn't agree with him. I had finally had it with him. That night I would definitely take a stand.

"Sweetie, it's not hard. Just get on the bed." His breath smelled like vodka as he held an iron grip on my wrist.


"What did you just say?" His nostrils were flaring and his eyes were bloodshot. We were only 16. Barely though.

"I said no." I had tears streaming down my face.

He slapped me. Hard. Straight across the face. "You can't say no to me."

I built up as much strength as I could, and shoved my knee upwards into his crotch. He crumpled over and I ran out of the room, the house, as fast as I could. I pulled out my phone and called 911. I told them everything. I had held it all in for over 4 months.

*Flashback over*

I haven't seen or talked to Jacob since then, but I also haven't trusted any guy since. Today, I guess, is the day I will finally start over.

I'll probably update at least once a week, but probably twice. Next chapter has some smut and fluff. Be prepared! My name is Amy, by the way. 

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