
16 2 2

Hey! So I know probably only 1 person will read this because why would anyone want to read a book about a weird girl talking about things that she calls "facts"? But without further-a-due, I think I did that right, he is my 15 facts!

1. I was one of the people @-NoImNotObsessed- called a peasant. I am not a peasant. Well I sort of am. Don't get me angry.

2. I dream of meeting Dan and Phil and then riding into the sun with them. Then our bodies will burn and our bodies shall be dissolved and poured on top of each other. Perfect.....

3. My biggest fear is death, no one can stop it, no one fully knows what happens but then again most people on YouTube say that it's just you in a dream for the rest of eternity........ Sounds fun?

4. I adore Greek and Roman mythology! This year I got to go to Greece and Italy and hoooolllyyy frickle-frack! I saw Delphi, The Pathernon I hope I spelt that right, I saw the colosseum, I got to ride in a gondola! I saw sooo many things that left me gobsmacked.

5. I'm pale like a vampire. I have many freckles and I don't tan I only get freckles. All my friends show off there beautiful tans and I'm here huddled in the dark corner applying 50+ sunscreen.

6. I live in Australia with the constant fear of being eaten by a shark, being trampled by a kangaroo and eaten alive by a poison spitting spiders.

7. I once told some one in my school who was a boy that "I've been taking some pills" I have not been taking pills. I repeat I have not been. I was well "nervous".

8. I play the piano and I also have been playing chess for 6 years but have never won a competition. I think it's time to stop playing chess.

9. I have an "addiction" to an app called Alpaca World. You make your own alpaca babies and kill other alpacas. It's addictive.

10. I'm clumsy. I bought five masks in Venice and broke all of them within a minute. *sigh*. Also my grammars pretty bad. I need to fix that......

11. My dream job would be to be a YouTuber or a writer/journalist. I have two drawers full of journals, most of them are half used.

Gosh Darnit I can't think of anything else to write about....Can this be the 11 facts tag? No, I have a goal and I will complete it. Sorry these facts are going to be really useless.

12. I once or stuck in an elevator when I was in kindergarten. It was one of those lifts were you need a card to activate it. Thankfully a man came in with a card and got me back to my floor where my family was waiting.

13. I love Harry Potter. The t-shirt I am wearing to write this is a Harry Potter t-shirt.

14. I have brown hair and weird teeth, I'm also not a girly-girl but I'm not a Tom boy.

15. I don't like hosting birthday parties. Never really liked them.

Thank god I'm done. So here are the 5 peeps I who I want to do the 15 facts tag! Also I was challenged by JuicyTomatoes !


Yay! Ily all baiiii

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2016 ⏰

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