(─‿‿─)♡Sorry not Sorry(/▽\*)。o○♡

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Piko washed his hair, running his fingers down his scalp to get in good. It was a very hot, relaxing shower. He closed his eyes softly let out a muffled noise, continuing to scrub around several parts of his body.
Suddenly, the bathroom door opened a bit. Quickly, Piko grabbed a dry towel and wrapped it around his waist, water still running. In popped the blonde Len, staring intensely.
Piko's face turned a bright red, meeting eyes with Len. While the silver haired boy looked terrified, an amused Len shuffled up closer to the shower. 
"Aw~ Piko, you're so sexy naked~!" Len swooned, putting a hand on the other's wet cheek and kissing his nose.
Piko blushed even hard, then quickly pecked at Len's cheek, "Whatever, jerk, get out so I can shower!"
Len shook his head, leaning a tad bit over the bath wall in which the shower head had been over, "But Piko, I love how you look when you blush~"
Len had now placed his face especially closely in front of Piko's, one hand on his cheek, and the other at his hip.
"Stop being such a dork," Piko murmured, embarassed, but allowing Len to do as he pleased.
Len had now locked lips with Piko, already being extremely dominant in the increasingly deep kiss. Piko's shock slowly developed into passion, as well, trying to fight for domination. As his plans failed, Len just lead the way.
In a final attempt, Piko pulled Len into the bath with him, shower water still sprinkling down on their bodies. The two were laying in the bath, heads and upper back being propped up by the side, and legs carried out of the bath. Len had been grasping onto Piko tightly, staying on top and pushing his lips down affectionately to Piko's.
"Mmnnnf... I love you so much.." Len mumbled in a 4 second release from the kiss.
Piko just made several responding noises, both going equally deep within the kiss. Len's clothes were sopping wet, weighing him even more down on Piko.
The sound of the pattering of the drops from the shower was loud, mixing around with the noises from the kiss. They shuffled and kicked around, attempting to get into a comfortable position, knocking over several bottles of shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and other things. Some ended up spilling on their legs and such, but it hadn't stopped the two. They just went at it, until finally... they stopped.
"...You're an amazing kisser..." Len mumbled to Piko, breathing in astonishment.
"Your not so bad yourself, dummy~" Joked Piko, slipping from the bath and turning the water off.
Len laughed a little, but said nothing.
"I'm gonna go put some clothes on... I'll be back," Piko told Len, then left the bathroom to get clothes.

Arriving back into the bathroom, fully dressed and dry (except for hair), Piko peeked over the bathtub at Len. It must've exhausted him, because Len had been passed out asleep. Piko giggled softly, grabbing Len and picking him up. He was still soggy and wet, but it did not matter.
Piko took the sleeping Len to a bed, placing him under the covers. Joining him, Piko snuggled there... a sleeping, wet Len grabbing onto him with a great big hug.

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