Chapter UNO

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WARNING! SAD AND SOMEWHAT SCARYISH! this is my first story. hope you like~! CHAPTER UNO!

This is Burashi -->

Imagine her hair a pale pink and imagine her ponytails on the sides of her head.


"Thanks for taking us to the ice cream shop, daddy!" I remember saying with my face covered in chocolate. "And you too, mommy!" I smiled and turned to my best friend, Burashi.

"Thank you~!" She said cheerfully.

"Thanks Mom and Dad!" my brother exclaimed as he finished his ice-cream. Suddenly I saw headlights and heard a sound I will never forget: my mother screaming. The car rolled and crunched, finally skidding to a stop. I screamed as the hot car began to burn the flesh on my leg. My dad had pushed me out of the way of the door with his arm to prevent the door from collapsing on me. My mom stopped screaming. My dad's arm was limp and didn't hold me any more. I could feel blood dripping from my face and I reached for Burashi, who's body was mangled. I reached and reached but couldn't touch her. Ukedaro had his arms wrapped around me, holding me back, protecting me. But from what?

I heard sirens and saw people gathered around our car. Why weren't we moving? I thought. I was so traumatized I couldn't piece it together. The smoke, the sirens, my parent's bodies, my brother sobbing. I couldn't figure it out! The paramedics tore the door off one side of the car and pulled us out. I was kicking and screaming, trying to get to my mommy.

"MOMMY! DADDY!" I screamed. The man holding me set me on a stretcher and put a mask over my mouth. My brother, Burashi, and I were put in the van and rushed to the hospital. After 30 minutes they had my head stitched up and my leg wrapped and I was alongside my best friend- my only true friend. I remember hearing beep. beep. beep. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. I had sat there...and watched my best friend die.They tried to take me out of the room, but I wrapped my arms around her and burred my head in my elbows. I screamed. I sobbed. I sobbed and sobbed on top of the corpse of what was once my one and only real friend. My parents were dead. I lost two thirds of my life that day. I was 8.

"Yashima..." I heard Burashi say. I looked up at her face...but it wasn't her face. It was mangled and twisted. I sobbed more when I figured her voice was just a part of my imagination. I took her favorite clip out of her hair and vowed that from that day on, I wouldn't ever take it out of my hair except to sleep. Then I saw it. The shadow on the wall. It was Burashi, and it whispered, "We'll be together......forever." From that second on, I have felt Burashi inside of me. And only recently, as we approach the 5 year anniversary of the accident, has she been truly showing herself through me. I am currently strapped to a chair in my aunt's kitchen. I was kicking, screaming, almost deforming. Now I'm in control again. But I need help.


FIRST STORY~ frist chapter :D haha. it's depressing, I know. Sorry. Comment, Vote, and look for new chapters and new stories!

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